MovieChat Forums > Politics > Wow, IMDB is saved!

Wow, IMDB is saved!

wow, this would be a great replacement board.


Welcome to the boards. Kick your shoes off and stay a while.


I've just signed on and will be a frequent user.


Let's try this thing out!


I only wish we had the list of movie boards rather than just Trending and avatar/profile pics and signatgures. That is why I prefer in some respects the IMDB v2.0


More like the Moron Chat Shit Hole!


I sure do miss the IMDb boards. The diaspora is hard to track down. There, you’d post something on any rando show or movie and eventually you’d get replies. Here, it just doesn’t happen unless the topic is popular and current. Plus, there are so few users here that the trolls are a much bigger presence, 😔
