MovieChat Forums > Politics > Barack Obama said Fox News is "not reall...

Barack Obama said Fox News is "not really news"

To cheers and applause from the left and Democratic Party friendly media outlets. Donald Trump says the same thing about the media outlets that are not even attempting to hide that their goal is to destroy his presidency and drive him out of office and leftists start foaming at the mouth about how Trump is a fascist, nazi, communist etc etc etc Another day another fake hypocritical outrage from an increasingly deranged and unhinged left wing

They have left Chris Wallace’s "Fox News Sunday" out of a round of interviews that included CNN, NBC, ABC and CBS for not being part of a “legitimate” news network. In October 2009, as part of an Obama administration onslaught against Fox News,White House senior adviser David Axelrod said on ABC’s “This Week” that the Fox News Channel is "not really a news station" and that much of the programming is "not really news."


So many questions.

Is mainstream media the new Illuminati? Is Fox News part of the mainstream media? If not, is Hannity? Where does one get a scorecard? Where does one get facts?






He's right - but who is?

None of them even bother trying to "report the news" anymore, most of the media is just one big left wing echo chamber.

Did Paddy Chayefsky nail it in "Network" or what?

"We'll tell you any shit you want to hear...!" - Howard Beale
