MovieChat Forums > Music General > Any Fleetwood Mac fans? Old school or re...

Any Fleetwood Mac fans? Old school or recent...

I've been in love with this band for years. Although, they've been different bands with different sounds and different people at different times. I am in love with the Fleetwood Mac I know and grew up with.

One Fleetwood, two Macs and a Buckingham-Nicks. Mess with that and I'm out.

And they messed with it. But that was one hell of an era of music. They're still around but they're not the band I once loved.

Any other fans who love this band as much as I do?


All the way back to 1977 when I was 8 & 1/2 and RUMORS was out.
I liked the music but many of the deeper tracks were (no pun intended) over my head at the time.

U got a better understanding a I got older. I can honestly say 41 years and never stopped liking them.


I'm a fan too.
I do think of the Peter Green years as a completely different band albeit a brilliant one.


Im a fan. A fan of Stevie Nicks and love some of their songs. Been listening to them for about a decade but am just a beginner fan and know their one of the best bands of all-time.


The original Peter Green blues outfit is wonderful, the middle of the road AOR semi American band they morphed into I could happily never hear again.


Peter Green and Danny kirwan era, but I actually like all of them except the very early shuffle stuff with Jeremy Spencer
