MovieChat Forums > Horror > Democrats and Hollywood shut down messag...

Democrats and Hollywood shut down message boards not trolls

seriously its kind of odd that democrats lose the election in US, start protesting and rioting against free speech, and a few months later IMDB closes its message boards

democrats don't like the truth coming out about how corrupt they are on the politics board i'm guessing so they probably put pressure on IMDB to shut it down

same with Hollywood. studios don't like people saying how much their movies suck so they put pressure on IMDB to shut the boards down

now all we have access to is phony reviews saying how good a movie is but no way on IMDB to argue and inform people the movie sucks. people will go to and buy crappy movies now making Hollywood a ton more money

sure people can still go online and voice their opinion but not as many people will see those opinions

"I don't trust anything that bleeds for 7 days and doesn't die"


Man, Kurt, you really are bat *beep* crazy. The boards shutting down has nothing to do with democrats or Hollywood. Not everything is a conspiracy. You are making things up or are too stupid to recognize *beep* when you read it.




eat my meat

"I don't trust anything that bleeds for 7 days and doesn't die"


this was that turd Rob Reiner's doing!


him and the Illuminati teamed up to pound us in the ass


Kurt equals

IG account: DellamorteDellagore


kurt makes sense.


this is seeming more legit after the rotten tomatoes deal..


The timing is somewhat suspicious. I mean, those boards had been up for YEARS, and then just a short time after the 2016 election, they suddenly shut down the boards? I will admit that there was a lot of negative arguments for many movies, but you'd find those, even with widely beloved movies. People always nitpick. And some people will act immature. That's no reason to cut everyone off just because of a few rotten apples.

That's pretty typical of Democraps in charge. They punish everyone when one immature brat whines and complains to them, whereas they ignore what the majority wants if the majority wants the opposite of something the Democraps want.

It seems they have done a lot of stuff in the past 2 1/2 years that shows just how much madness and real hate they have been hiding all these years.


Lots of cuckoos posting here!
