MovieChat Forums > Cult Films > Films You Loved That No-One E;se Did

Films You Loved That No-One E;se Did

I have tonnes of films that I really enjoyed yet critics and general people alike absolutely hated. Wondering where everyone else stands with this.

Of these films, I have to favour "Cloud Atlas" because I love it to bits and can't stop watching it!


showgirls and johnny suede. though in the case of johnny suede, no one knows about it, so it's not like people know about it and dont' like it.


C'mon, loads of people loved Showgirls! Not in a literal sense, as the most unintentionally funny, Craptastic, ridiculous movie ever made! I could watch it every day!


i'm talking about it being lampooned and derided as having no good film attributes and just being excess. it having no quality. all these people are wrong. i mean if john waters says it's the best film of 1995 then it has to be a great film.


the one that comes to mind is Waterworld. It is terrible, full of holes, some questionable acting, but for some reason I watched it many times. Was it the similarity to Road Warrior? The chemistry between Dennis Hopper and Tina Majorino?
Jeanne Tripplehorn's lips? I can't say.


yeah, good movie, and so is cutthroat island.


I unironically enjoy Wild Wild West and have ever since I saw it for the first time in theaters as a kid back in 1999.


drop dead fred, bill and ted's excellent adventure, howard the duck, maybe crazy people?
