MovieChat Forums > I Need To Know > Baldwin movie

Baldwin movie

Ok. So there's a movie with one of the Baldwin brothers, I don't think it's Alec, where they maybe play a radio DJ in a city that's going through some kind of crisis? And they end up having to fight their way through the city, I can't remember through what, if it's gangs, or zombies, or something completely different. Anything?


How old?


I think '90s


Alec Baldwin played a radio dj in Talk Radio (1988), but the rest doesn't sound like what you are talking about.


I would agree that is really the only movie that comes close your description.


Daniel Baldwin appeared in a 1998 vampire film called simply Vampires:


I’m fairly sure it was either Stephen or William. Most of the movie is he and a lady walking through a dangerous city at night


Fair Game has William with Cindy Crawford. He's a detective and most of it is during the day.


You sure you're not talking about "The Fisher King" with Jeff Bridges? Radioshow host makes insensitive remarks to a listener who goes on a shooting spree in a restaurant and the Radio host becomes depressed/suicidal, ends up in a bad part of the city, almost murdered by savage thugs, miraculousy saved by a strange homeless man (Robin Williams).


Yeah, it's way more low-budget/seedy feeling than that. Most of the movie takes place in the dark. We hear the DJ throughout most of the movie, while crime takes place throughout the city at night, that's kinda all I've got. Maybe I'll never know (or I'm crazy).


Are you thinking of Michael Beck in Warriors?

A gang called the Warriors is framed for a murder. They need to get back to their part of NYC before the other gangs find them and kill them. There's a black, female radio DJ that narrates what's happening, I think. You just see her mouth and the microphone from what I remember.

Warriors. Come out and play-yay


Ha I realized it kinda sounded like The Warriors when I was describing it, but this was a white male DJ, and I believe he was the Baldwin who later gets out into the city for whatever reason


You sure it was a Baldwin and not Michael Douglas in The Game?


Dead Weekend (1995 TV Movie) has Daniel Baldwin.

True World Forces agent Weed (Stephen Baldwin) must secure a bizarre alien spacecraft suspected to have crashed somewhere in The City. I think he meets the alien who looks like a beautiful woman(what are the odds of that?).


Woah, hm. I don’t remember aliens, but my memory is fuzzy, that’s definitely a possibility. I’ll check it out when back home later.


Ahhh, that was it!! Just skipped through on YouTube. The DJ was Tom Kenney, ha! Good find, thanks. Another one off the list.


Yay! You gave us 3 actors to search through, but it still took a while to track the right one down.

Are you going to watch the movie again all the way through?


I skimmed through enough to remember why it was so easy to forget in the first place, ha. A truly, truly awful film. One step from a softcore porn, poor Stephen. A lot of those scenes must’ve been trimmed from the TV version I watched originally!
