MovieChat Forums > I Need To Know > Similar to Escape from New York

Similar to Escape from New York

It’s a dystopian thriller/crime movie which I can hardly remember but that reminds me of Escape from New York. It has to be in the 80’s-1997 period. All I remember is a scene where the protagonist is being chased by many people, some invading his apartment from the roof and windows.



There was a scene just like that in the original Escape From New York, where Snake is running through an abandoned apartment and numerous 'Crazies" are trying to get him.

You might also try 1990: The Bronx Warriors and its sequel.


Might just be EFNY. Thanks!


Last Exit to Brooklyn was kinda dystopian from what I remember. It was kind of like a non-musical darker version of Streets of Fire, but I remember there being a labor riot of some sort and people chasing other people rampaging through apartment buildings and such.
