MovieChat Forums > Robert Blake Discussion > Sorry, Line drawn at murder, no RIP here...

Sorry, Line drawn at murder, no RIP here.....

In my opinion, he either murdered his ex or had it done.

He is not deserving of a RIP....


I wouldn't convict him of either, but my gut says he was responsible.


I Agree No Hard Loss


I have to agree, he definitely had mental problems that only got worse over time. I mean he was bad in the 60's, arrogant ass in the 70's, increasingly unpleasant in the 80's..and ever decade after that a complete nightmare.


"In my opinion, he either murdered his ex or had it done."

So you are not sure?

"He is not deserving of a RIP...."

That's not a call you get to make.


Yes, I believe he committed this murder or had it done - most likely he did it - what is so difficult about that? (I lack the interest to go back and re-read the case to recall what led me to that belief).

And yes, it is my call to either wish or not wish someone have a RIP and in this case, he does not deserve the well-wishes of a "RIP."


If he did hire someone to kill her, can you really judge him? Not only was she trying to scam him out of his money, she was trying to say Marlon Brando's son was the father of her baby. Possibly someone else, so long ago I can't remember. She was a total scam artist. Whoever did it, she didn't see that one coming.


So are you trying to say she deserved to be murdered because she was a scam artist? It sounds like it.


I'm saying I'm not judging him. R.I.P Robert Blake.


So, I guess you will also wish a RIP when OJ Simpson dies, too?


I always said, if O.j. did it, he had help. No way he could've done all that by himself. R.I.P to everyone. We all going to die.




If his wife was legit trying to steal his money while lying about who the father of their kid was then she deserved to get it. Evil must be punished.


As I have posted before:
He couldn’t possibly have done it himself. He had no gunshot residue on him, his gun was not the murder weapon and he was still at the scene of the crime with the police when the actual weapon was recovered several blocks from where they were.

Not saying he didn’t have anything to do with it but understand that several people had mucho motive to kill her.


The presence or absence of GSR means little - refer to any reputable crime scene literature for more info (when it is present there is no test that is definitely indicative of a person actually firing a gun). And many reasons exist for its absence.

Also, do you know in laboratory experiments people placed in the back of police cars have tested for GSR while not even handling a firearm?

And his entire ruse may have been leaving his gun to create an alibi. And he could have tossed the murder weapon so it could be found while back at the restaurant.


"Also, do you know in laboratory experiments people placed in the back of police cars have tested for GSR while not even handling a firearm?"

100% irrelevant. The existence of a false positive has nothing to do with a false negative.


You are missing the point - there is no test that exists that can tell for certain if a person has or has not fired a firearm, regardless if GSR is present or not. Also, that there are explanations for its presence or absence in both a person that has or has not fired a firearm.

Also, one report reported he did test positive.


I am certainly not missing the point. You're trying to correlate a false discovery rate as to a false negative. That's simply not how it works. Bring out evidence (and I do mean cite it, not just tell me it exists) that there is a significant false negative rate for shooters to GSR tests and we'll have something to discuss.

Have a nice day.


Go pick up any reputable book on criminalistics or a number of scientific journals. I am not going to list a bunch of sites when in today's world one can Google such info. Besides, there are too many.

And my reply was in response to the person that used the possible absence of GSR as proof of innocence when that is not the case and it is more complicated than that.

I'm not sure what else you expect..


LOL. The onus of proof is on you. And I expect a better logical debate out of someone who supposedly knows that this evidence is wide spread.


I didn't say "absence of GSR" was proof of innocence. It was one factor about why he himself could not have done it. Also he could not have "tossed the murder weapon" . It was found blocks away while he was still at the scene of the crime. If he could "toss" a gun that far he should have been the world's oldest quarterback.

As I said I don't know if he had anything to do with the crime. He very well may have conspired with someone to do it. He just could not have physically done it himself.


Do a google search, there are many reputable reports on this murder - GSR WAS found on Blake. Also, the murder weapon was found the next morning in a dumpster.

And again, the lack of GSR does not mean a person did not fire a gun and the lack of it does not mean he could not have done it.

GSR findings are quite limited in what they mean and indicate and there is no test that declares a person fired a gun for certain.

Also, he had ample time to discard the gun. No witness observed him return to the restaurant to retrieve the gun he supposedly left behind.


"And yes, it is my call to either wish or not wish someone have a RIP and in this case, he does not deserve the well-wishes of a "RIP.""

Perhaps. But it is a prick that makes threads like this immediately after a celebrity death. It would have been best if you said nothing. Think that way, feel that way, whatever. Just don't post about it.

I checked your posting history and you are not one those losers that posts noxious threads after a celebrity death. You are not an insult troll. Aside from this I think you are a good poster.

You were just a dickhead to send this thread. Oh well. Nobody is perfect.



I disagree and do not believe, in this case, a wish of a person I believe is responsible for a murder is worthy of a resting in peace wish.

Nor do I believe it is inappropriate to state. His victim is the one that deserves the RIP, not him.


"Nor do I believe it is inappropriate to state."

Posting noxious troll threads immediately after a celebrity death is one of the most douchebag things you can do.

Sad sack behavior by anonymous nobodies.

On the original IMDB the admin would delete your posting history for writing threads like this one. First offense. The second one they would ban the member and delete the account.



Then by all means IGNORE my threads. I am not going to wish well upon one I believe to have been responsible for a person's murder.

Shot twice in the head.


I believe he did it. He left their daughter motherless and then didn't want anything to do with her. Sad.


Typical libtard, judge someone without knowing the actual facts, just going by "what you've heard."


Go away little add nothing because you obviously can't read.


Wow, good comeback.


Yeah, I took a study of the case. What makes the most sense is he paid someone to do it.


When I heard he died I RIPped a fart!


It's one of those things that you may not want to believe (that he did it), but in your gut, you know he did.

I didn't even realize that he died last year.


I have no respect for murderers. He should burn in hell, not rest in peace.


Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. There is reasonable doubt.


Possibly, but I think he was somehow involved.
