MovieChat Forums > Callahan7

Callahan7 (963)


President Trump Receives Rock Star Welcome at NASCAR’s Coca-Cola 600 What happens to Jamie after the presidential election? Tom Hanks was good as Colonel Parker I think he doesn't like Donald Trump Bill Maher Likes Alvin Bragg Now Reportedly Dropped, QT Changed His Mind Date of birth JR! View all posts >


Interesting. Thanks for the reply. During the silent era comedy performers had to have athletic skills. Charlie Chaplin. Buster Keaton was incredible. Large performers like Oliver Hardy, Eric Campbell, and Roscoe Arbuckle also. I don't agree or disagree with Shane Black. The OP is vague. He doesn't explain the reasons he made the comment. The 90's was a great decade for films. Tarantino and many others produced some fine postmodernist (and other) movies. The Rock is a solid action film. Well done. It is implausible though. I will suspend disbelief to a certain point if a film is good. This went past that point for me. General Francis X. Hummel simply would not have participated in this event for reasons previously stated. I also had a hard time with the John Mason character. It is likely that nobody ever escaped Alcatraz. Frank Morris and the Anglin brothers probably were swept out to see and drowned. Yet SAS agent John Mason escaped? What was he doing there anyway? He was a British agent. Alcatraz was a federal penitentiary for hard case American prisoners. A brit?! Possible perhaps, but highly unlikely. As an action film I would rate this 8/10. Due to the unbelievability factor I lower my overall rating to 6/10. Shane is an excellent screenwriter. He may be referring to the premise. I don't buy a bunch of career military special ops guys concocting an act of terrorism because they are disgruntled about not being given recognition or back pay/benefits. That is my main criticism of the film. It is bad writing and Shane did not write for this film as far as I know. Why would career military men trash their good names, reputations, etc., in pursuit of what? A few bucks? To make a statement? Even Ed Harris could not sell that. Who is going to care about what their "statement" is after attempting a terrorist act? So the premise was dogsh#t. I wouldn't go so far as to say the entire film was dogsh#t though. An interesting character study. Some good performances. Well, this thread didn't age well ha ha. Do you think the COVID-19 virus came from a Chinese market? Hope. It was engineered. Your hero was part of the engineering project. Are you a big fan of Big Pharma? This thread is so old. Dated. Inaccurate. With the information we have now it is WRONG. That's OK Heisenberg. Everybody makes mistakes. Don't make another one on 11/5. Vote for Donald Trump! MAGA OK, you are not serious. President Trump would never select this lying sack to be his VP pick. "Both men have been convicted." Yeah, but Jussie actually committed crimes. The bogus conviction against Trump will be reversed on appeal. Donald Trump will win in November. Jussie will still be Jussie after 11/5. Donald Trump will be the President of the United States. Yay! They are not losers. Just inexperienced. I know better from experience. Anyone reading replies on this thread can learn from my previous mistakes. Never go to a forum board until you have seen the film. There are, sadly, losers who post major spoilers in the title. Like on this thread. It is simply a matter of common courtesy. It is even more pitiful because <spoiler>the girl doesn't die</spoiler>. You were wrong. 7.8/10 rating on IMDB at this time. That is an outstanding rating for a film of this type. A good thing I've already seen Godzilla Minus One. I have learned not to go to forum boards unless I have seen the film. Sadly, it is a fact of life that some loser will post spoilers in the title. There is nothing original about this asswipe. Spoiler posters are a dime a dozen. The solution is simple. Don't go to boards <i>unless you have seen the film it its entirety</i>. Also, you're wrong about the girl dimwit. I typed quickly. I edited the typo. "Another interesting theory I read was that Sosa used the whole "Omar was a chivato" angle as an excuse to off him and thus allow him to do business directly with Tony." Omar was, reportedly, identified positively by one of Sosa's men. Omar's testimony put Sosa's associates away. Life sentences. It is possible perhaps. Highly unlikely imo. The brutality of his execution, set up for Tony to witness, was probably because he was an informant. "WHERE did you hear that Trump never has been to the island and only knew him superficially?" Many reputable sources. The liars on propaganda networks like MSNBC and CNN tried to discredit Donald Trump. They tried really hard to associate him with Epstein. They failed. Again. I can't believe you don't know this. Do you only get your news from MSNBC? Epstein was a charming guy who knew important people and Trump knew him superficially from parties. I don't care how many times Jimmy Kimmel shows that video clip. There is no "there there". That's it. End of story. He kicked him out of Mar-a-lago many years ago for being a perv and never spoke to him again. Sorry to disappoint you but those are the facts Jack. Now Bill Clinton? That's another story entirely. MAGA "Rot in Hell, Mr. Fischer. Yeah- you may have been a chess genius, but as a human being, you sucked...GOOD RIDDANCE, YOU PIECE OF HUMAN GARBAGE." Oh, and you're a fine person and a pillar of the community, right? View all replies >