BasementBidenFan's Replies

[quote]Muslims also should be arrested if they incite violence, or make threats. It doesn't just uniquely apply to people who incite violence against Islam.[/quote] But they never are no matter how much they do.And it took about 50,000 late night argument responses from me, for you to suggest that any Muslim should be held to any standard ever, you loathsome, illiterate hick cunt. You don't go around in your stupid illiterate everyday hick life saying "muslims should obey the law". You only say it at night - 3am my time, I dont know what time it is your time - 50,000 responses into an internet argument. You loathsome hick cunt. When it comes to Muslims calling for violence - the police in our country bends over backwards for them and lets them say whatever. One time, a documentary was made on a mainstream TV channel where they had undercover footage of imams calling for deaths of "infidels" etc. The police just tried to arrest the people who made it, and falsely accused them of "misleadingly editing" the documentary when it wasn't. That was now over 15 years ago, no "mainstream" person has ever tried to hold them to account again. Do you know why? cause they're illiterate, ISIS-loving hick cunts like you. You hick cunt. That would be because you either didn't really say that, or I lost it in all the other boring blather. ISISlam calls for the execution of gays. Why aren't you accusing them of inciting genocide? is it cause you're too busy being an illiterate hick cunt? [quote]It would depend on what you want to say.[/quote] Yes... but uh... your whole schtick so far has suggested that no-one is allowed to restrict the freedom of expression of Mudslimes... right? Dork! Everything. I see you didn't deny being an illiterate hick cunt either. I'm not from America. You stinking moron. You say believe in freedom of speech but if I went around my Eurotrash neighborhood saying what I think of ISISlam, I'd be arrested (even when no Muslims live on my street and I've hardly seen any in my entire home town either). You'd cheer my arrest you loathsome hick, so drop the "freedom of speech" ya poisonous little dink. By the way it's "imply". The person listening infers, you imply. What a surprise, pseudointellectual ISIS-lovers are also illiterates. Never saw that coming. No you're wrong, and no doubt you're anti-American yourself. Why don't you hate the people who set fire to these churches as much as you hate me? Why isn't there a "BurningDownChurchesConsequences" on reddit? Yes, that's just you repeating yourself as usual. Since you're going to stick to your lame-ass world view no matter what, which if world-views were movies, yours would be "The Room" (2003) - there was absolutely NO POINT in asking him. Because as you just said, such proof "wouldn't justify...", whatever blah blah anyway. So for about the 99th time - your asking for "evidence" had no point. The only reason you asked, was because your only hobby is going around the internet telling people they're paranoid and making things up - you prefer that to hanging around at a mosque or going out with Muslim friends. You prefer our company to Muslims, clearly. [quote]"Evidence is evidence, if provided."[/quote] But you just said it wouldn't change your "mind". So hence... no point. I dont think even an exorcist and a "De-cult"-ing agent could explain to you what a point is... even if they worked on you for 3 months and tortured you with branding irons... He already did threaten people "indirectly" you stinking halfwit. He said "you need F22s to take on the federal government"... before falling back asleep and fondling/sniffing a 7 year old girl in his sleep. Exactly. So in fact there was no point to your request. Since nothing would ever cause you to un-super-glue your tongue from Glorious Fuhrer Allah's rectum. I changed my question. But you won't answer that one either. Why, what will you do after he's "proved" it? Demand that Islam be banned from all western countries? [quote]"The economy is strong under Biden"[/quote] It's not good to be unintentionally funny. You should know that, dorkwad. Haha. yeah. Don't forget all the ones in France. Including Notre dame. 1200 days of talking about "ex-president Trump" on the internet rather than hanging around with Muslims or trannies! "please leave" - a guy who's totally winning an argument. I'm not "uneducated" at all.. I've read lots of things that make me far more educated about the world and everything in it than you. You are a typical basement dwelling pseudointellectual with delusions of being "wise" and smart. "You can't stop talking about Biden in fact he's in your username" I should have picked something cooler instead like "robocat". "So sad" You sound like a character out of a poorly-translated, low budget Japanese RPG game from the 1990s.