chumbawampa's Replies

We're all tired of seeing his Fug Ugly Mug, that's just life She should have been fired long ago but she is only a symptom of the disease "non-normative" ugh... what a useless term... I guess that means all of us, random internet chatters on this forum, we're just "normal"? What a joke... Anybody who's been on the internet at all in the last 20 years, knows there is more than enough freaks and weirdos in the STRAIGHT community alone. So .. we're "normal"? Honestly, what is "normal" anway? Go to 1 counselling or therapy session and the first thing they'll tell you is: there is no "normal". "Normal" is a concept which differs completely person to person. By acting like they are the only ones not normal or "non-normative" all they are going to do, is make themself feel more isolated, and make us all thing we're more different than we are. Divide us even more (as if we need that), and in the process give themselves a lot more psychological issues. I'd rather take Lauren Boebert if I wanted a hot chick on the right, she's better looking. The old Dune movie sucked ass. All the people suddenly reminiscing about Dune 84 being so great, Have you actually watched it ? The sandworms look like sockpuppets. Literally. There is plenty , plenty to criticize about the 1984 Dune. One of the main things is it just doesn't stand up to the other 80s sci fi movies. The competition is ridiculous. The original Terminator, Empire Strikes Back. Dune 1984? Come on... it certainly tells the Dune story, to an effect, but it's really not a great film. Extending it didn't help either, it was just like extending LOTR: Needless. What is this? Mr. Miyagi Vs Chuck Norris? Those awards were too early. They shoulda nominated the entire Palestinian protests for Worst of Woke . It's not just her. Look at J. J . Abrams himself. He directed those piece of shit Star Wars movies and did more damage than anyone could ever do. All she did was shit on it even more, adding to the shitstew. Sure you can get rid of her, but that won't make the studios less risk-averse. They won't take risks on projects any more. Its nothing like the original Hollywood Studio system in the 30's , that was all about risk. Problem is now it's all about zero risk . Zero risk = crap quality films Yes, she's probably a Pro Palestine self hating Jew too "kind of" being the operative term [quote]Does NYC even have a Dollar Store?[/quote] John Madden: Here's a guy who's never been out of his mom's basement! Yes - That's what Fox news viewers look for in news commentary - Physically attractive looking people. Their ability to report the news or discern facts from fiction, or use rationality, is completely irrelevant to you. All you want are blonde bimbo's reporting the news to you. Who cares if their head's full of air if they have big tits, right? It's not like there are any events happening in the world that are important or worth investigating seriously. Other than, Bruce Jenner's latest comments. That's a news story for Fox isn't it? uh... so..... anybody who doesn't feel like they want to vote Republican... is automatically a supporter of terrorism, racism, and genocide? How does that make sen.. okay, here I am trying to rationalize the thoughts of someone who's brain has devolved to a Neanderthal level.. I'm not going to waste any more energy. Were you going to suffice that with a "NOT!" at the end? Yes but Reagan HAD Dementia and Alzheimers and he was still PRESIDENT....... Not AFTER he was president.... But you don't care because Reagan was conservative. So you don't give a shit how completely gone his brain was even if Reagan was a vegetable you'd be happy just to have a Republican in charge. You just don't want a Democrat in the White House... That's it. So stop pretending like you care about the mental capacity of the president. You don't. Trump was half retarded (literally) and yet you were OK with having him in the oval office. Remember "inject bleach into your arms?" Or "nuke the hurricaine"? <blockquote>Fox has a conservative bias ... They don't lie ... They report facts about what's going</blockquote> HAHAHAHAH, GOOD ONE., subjective. i guarentee she won't know who it is. *takes pictures of herself in a literal pirate whore outfit on social media* WHY ARE THEY SEXUALIZING ME?