chumbawampa's Replies

Were you going to suffice that with a "NOT!" at the end? Yes but Reagan HAD Dementia and Alzheimers and he was still PRESIDENT....... Not AFTER he was president.... But you don't care because Reagan was conservative. So you don't give a shit how completely gone his brain was even if Reagan was a vegetable you'd be happy just to have a Republican in charge. You just don't want a Democrat in the White House... That's it. So stop pretending like you care about the mental capacity of the president. You don't. Trump was half retarded (literally) and yet you were OK with having him in the oval office. Remember "inject bleach into your arms?" Or "nuke the hurricaine"? <blockquote>Fox has a conservative bias ... They don't lie ... They report facts about what's going</blockquote> HAHAHAHAH, GOOD ONE., subjective. i guarentee she won't know who it is. *takes pictures of herself in a literal pirate whore outfit on social media* WHY ARE THEY SEXUALIZING ME? I don't know if I would call her "famous" so much as, tabloids are desperate to make her famous. If I asked anyone who Sydney Sweeney is no one would know, so when no one knows who you are that's not famous. Let me guess. The Britney Spears Life Story Biography movie? Funny how the guys have loaded the mascera on and the women barely any, I don't know if pirates really were into eyeliner that much , I think that is just Johnny Depp. Did you think Elon taking over would really make any difference to Twitter? He sacked so many people, practically all the moderation staff. So if there was any chance of reasonable sane moderation of posts, that's gone now. Why? Because he wanted to make it friendly to far-right headcases like himself. He's the biggest moron on the planet. 100% Agree but she's nowhere near as bad as Emma Stone...... Emma stone looked like a newborn hamster face at the oscars AND in that weird ass movie. In fact, Emma Stone pretty much looks like a female Gollum. But Emma has the saving grace that she can actually act... I don't even know how to respond to whatever jumble of memes that was you call a reply. <blockquote>Better a boring pretentious history rewrite than a hatefilled stupid anti-man wokefest.</blockquote> Both are terrible ideas that I don't want to see. Really? You think "Outspending the Soviets" ended the Cold War? Like how today's "sanctions" against Russia have really dented their economy and put a stop to the Ukraine war? I felt the relationship was shallow also. When she runs back into his arms at the end of the movie after having treated him like garbage.... and then he accepts her ? That put me off the whole movie. The whole story seemed like it was going nowhere other than, he's involved with a girl with serious commitment issues. She seems to get over her commitment issues, out of nowhere, randomly. Seemingly after watching 1 youtube video of him. Then, in the worst moment I've seen in any movie in a long time, he takes her back (after she stalks him to his standup show). Everything about it just gave me a bad taste in my mouth. It just felt empty, soulless, and as if the story was going around in a circle, going nowhere. One of the worst "romantic comedies", if you can call it that, I have ever seen. I felt absolutely nothing for the characters in their utterly hollow existences. <blockquote>Democrats control 95% of the media Democrats control 95% of silicon valley Democrats control 95% of hollyweird Democrats control 95% of college academia</blockquote> Where the hell did you get these statistics? Did you just think of "95%" because it was a high percentage, and just throw in a couple of random regions of California? You mean Gorbachev? He was basically the one who did all the work ending the Soviet Union. Reagan... read telepromters and read speeches. He didn't do anything towards world peace, he ramped up the Cold War arms race... He had no part in the dissolution of the USSR whatsoever, apart from giving that speech where he said "Tear down this wall". You think a senile 70 year old man croaking about a wall had an effect on the Soviet Union internal affairs? Ever heard of Glasnost, Perestroika? Did you graduate high school, or....? Did you graduate Grade 8? <blockquote>You're wrong about Reagan's lionization, the point of Reagan was a frontal assault on FDR's New Deal and to turn back the hands of time. He and those who put him in power and supported him were evil, and today they and their descendents have more power than ever.</blockquote> I know Reagan was only "lionized" by the right, the far right circles in the U.S. The Left always hated him throughout his tenure, through the 1990s, and to today... But the far right in America has made Reagan into a pariah, when in reality he was nothing of the sort. In Canada, we had a prime minister during the 80s named Brian Mulroney who was our version of Thatcher/Reagan. They are doing the exact same thing with him now, after his passing. He is being herelded as the savior of the country. The only place where this hasn't happened is the U.K. who seem to never give up their visceral hatred of Thatcher, even playing "Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead" on the radio when she died. They seem to remember history better. This revisionist history is creating 2 realities which people completely disagree on. People either believe Reagan was the second coming of Jesus, or Lucifer himself. There is no middle ground, no basis of reality any more. Oh, I made the mistake of trying to have an intelligent discussion on MovieChat. Forgetting, of course, that most of MovieChat are basement dwelling Alex Jones initiates. Illustrated here, in the complete inability to communicate in sentences, or even English.