chumbawampa's Replies

and Rishi Sunak is the male dragon? It focuses more on the human elements than the dragons. That's the strength of the film. When they show too much of the dragons, it gets away from itself, and I lose interest. They do it to make money. That's all they care about. You think Hollywood cares about making GOOD movies? It's not a kiddie adventure. It has a kid in the main role, If you don't like kids as the main actors you probably won't like it. But it's Spielberg, what do you expect? He always used kids in the main roles, especially circa 1983-1995. Why is it so bad just to have a child instead of an adult? Most adult actors are even worse than the kid actors. Why would they be afraid of Koreans , in a world ravaged by DRAGONS? They're going to be afraid of some 5 foot tall Koreans? Give me a break. Probably because it only did 20 million at the box office. Maybe because it doesn't have alot of battle sequences, and it tells a more complicated story of WW2... A third reason, maybe American audiences didn't resonate with the british main character and British Empire story of it all. I am Canadian and I have British family connections so it resonated with me. I would think, it would be more popular generally with Commonwealth countries , and the UK, being that it's focused on the old British Empire. Another reason I think it may not have resonated with American audiences is the complexity of it. I wouldn't say it is overlooked, but I agree that it certainly does not enjoy the reputation of Spielberg's other work. Who knows? Perhaps great work is always overlooked in it's time. Orson Welles comes to mind.. "Funny how you had no problem calling me a Trump supporter and still expressing your negative opinon of me and mine." I'm not allowed to call you a Trump supporter? "and still expressing your negative opinon of me and mine." I'm not allowed to express a negative opinion of you? Ever heard of free speech? In the end Time will tell what is the best TMNT film, nothing any of us say here will matter. Yeah, being a Trump supporter, you wouldn't know a "joke" if it hit you in the face. I think he was making what's known as a "Joke". Welles is the best film noir director also the best director of all time. 1. Memento (2000) 2. Juggernaut (1974) 3. License to Kill (1989) 4. Sleepers (1996) 5. In the Bedroom (2001) 6. Wrath of Man (2021) 7. Superman II (1980) 8. Death Rides a Horse (1967) 9. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) I once wrestled a bear to the ground with my own hands Yeah.. and marrying your own daughter isn't weird at all. They made movies where it was reversed, ever heard of She's All That? Same idea but in She's All That , a older guy , Freddie Prinze Jr., seduces a younger girl, Rachel Leigh Cook. Everyone's okay with that, and okay with congressman hiring underage prostitutes, and Andrew Tate trafficking girls who are 10+ years younger than him for sex, but an older young adult woman seducing a young adult male in a film is grooming? Give me a break. This is another concocted controversy by the right, just like how they cry about 'wokeism' all the time. They will argue for men to have a right to be with as young women as they want, then complain about this Jennifer Lawrence movie. It's a joke. I'm not "advertising my youtube channel" I was just posting a review I made in audio / video form, because it's easier and faster for me than typing out a big long review . It's a naked woman. Who cares. It's the human body. I think we can handle it. The 90s movies had lots of nudity , no one cared. In the 70s, practically EVERY SINGLE FILM had nudity. Now all of a sudden we are totally insecure of seeing nudity in a film, It's pathetic. The characters are "likable and easy to relate to"? Not at all to me. Maybe for you... I hated the "characters" if you can call them that. Oh, and you don't care about Ninja Turtles, you're not a fan, you don't know anything about the lore, so of course you liked the film. It's got nothing to do with the orignial Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles whatsoever, so it's made for people like you. The general audience. People who couldn't tell Leonardo from Raphael or Donotello. They rely on your absolute lack of knowledge of the TMNT, so that you can consume this disposable, forgettable entertainment without the slightest eye for criticism. This is NOT a 'labor of love' in any sense, it is a cash cow, a cash grab, only it's an empty shell of a movie. Pun intended. This is a hollow shell of this movie with no plot and terrible CGI. If they were going for a comic book look, they utterly failed; it looks like it was made with crayons Why re-cast them just for a 5 year difference? Then we would have had to adjust to THREE different main protagonist actors. I don't know, most coming of age films , you can only focus on 2 main ages. Do you expect them to get 3 different sets of actors, just to transition from 14 to 19? Seems unneccesary. The audience would have a hard time even figuring out which was the middle-aged versions of Charlotte and Billy if you add another version of them to the mix. Not to mention, it would mess up the flow and pace of the story... I hated it, and I found the older woman extremely unlikable. It was like Karens of The Deep. When she had that outburst , it was the most terrifying moment of the film. But it didn't make me like the character more. It made me hate her for being totally ungrateful. I found the older woman character to be extremely selfish and full of hatred with angry outbursts all the time. In the end, I was rooting for her to die, and I also felt annoyed by the editing tricks they used , making her die and come back etc. 2/10