MechanicalMan's Replies

"None of that is true" yes everything in the movie 2000 Mules is true. You didnt even specify which bit was "untrue" you just sound like a mad authoritarian dork dweeb freak trying to intimidate me. "none of that is true"? have you even watched the movie you pitiful old virgin greasy WWE-watching dork virgin incredimegavirgin? Why are you here bickering with me about this, 3 years after the election, instead of out partying with all the refugees who are "just like us" and they're all really nice people? LOLOLOLOOLL I already told you I wasnt impressed by the word "triggered" or any of your other generic insults but they keep coming anyway. DORK! "heh, why are you like, heh, so triggered *pushes glasses up nose*" - A sweaty, long-haired virgin with uber-rickets in like Ohio or North Dakota or Michigan, who lives in his dead parents' trailer and is on the sex offenders register. Yeah saying "triggered" that's really impressive. It's not like any 8 year old can say that L O FUCKING L what a dork. Also the activities shown in 2000 Mules are proof for anyone willing to actually accept the truth. What's the good explanation for people showing up at 3am at a drop-off box, looking both ways and then dumping a huge handful of ballots in. What's the good explanation for that, IncrediMegaPermaVirgin 5000? Using your catchphrases like "heh, far-right," "de-bunked" or talking about Dinesh D'Souza being given a "conviction" by Fuhrer Obama. None of those are explanations, they're pitiful excuses for an explanation, retard, so skip that part, if you're actually capable. Now "the whole country" is laughing at me. You're now so demented, you're saying I'm the only Trump voter. You're pitiful beyond belief, Incredimegavirgin 5000. Absolutely nobody has sexual fantasies about you, you pathetic gibbering retard Why don't you have a blog telling us about all the fun days out you had with Biden's "refugees" who are so important to both you and him? You're a lunatic who would continue to say "no proof" even if Biden came out tomorrow with "Yes of course we stole it" written on his own forehead in blood. Also you choose to spend the next 1000+ days talking to us rather than talking to any of the people Dems claimed they like such as Muslims, trannies etc. [b]Dude. The 2020 steal wasn't a couple of months ago. It was nearly 3 years ago, you sit here being really weirdly smug for the rest of your so-called "life", rather than actually go out and live in Biden's america, which you have no interest in. [/b] I know but it's fun to see how long the pathetic dweeb actually continues repeating his retard self, until the carer from the retard home comes back and rounds him up Virgin. You have sex with a hole in the pile of restraining orders you got from female WWE wrestlers. [quote]Your stupidity and gullibility continues.[/quote] No, you're the worthless gullible cretin. You keep spamming as many stupid insults as me to possible as an act of projection You'll still be here projecting your own stupidity onto others when you're a 97 year old virgin using a walking frame. Can you even remember why we're supposed to hate Trump in the 1st place, you escaped retard home resident? [quote]tRump supporters were trying to steal an election because they're sore losers[/quote] No, you really obviously brazenly cheated cause YOU are the sore losers, especially when losing to someone you called a "lunatic" etc. You like saying the opposite of the truth cause you're a freaky little critter who gets his thrills out of insulting people's intelligence and saying the opposite of the truth - cause no person wants to have sex with or touch you. If it was so great to have Biden in charge of the country, so important, why do you spend the entirety of your worthless smelly life talking to us? What the hell has numbers got to do with it, either a re-inforced door is locked or it isn't! And why didn't you answer the question the first time if you're confident that you're right, you dumbass who needs to go back to the retard home? no surprise you couldn't answer How did they get in without shooting anybody? You can say "millions this millions that" all you want, until someone hires you as a replacement for the late Regis Philbin on a certain quiz show. But it doesn't answer the question, poisonous dork! My leftie mom taught me to read and write long before I got to school. That's kinda almost all she did, but... (Also natural intelligence comes into it) You know life sucks in Cuba but the lefties always say "they have a really high literacy rate". Same here for me lol. so robocat how did they manage to get into one of the most guarded buildings in the country without firing a shot? The only explanation is they were deliberately let in isn't it? Only one police officer died and that was inside the building. The protesters weren't armed with guns. If it really means that much to you to not have people come into the building why dont you ask your weirdo leftie friends not to let them in next time. I know there's more chance of you getting laid (with someone other than your sister) than actually being able to answer that. Oh no, I just pooped my panties! I grew up in a poor part of my country and I can still read and write. What is Oregonians' excuse? Now let's check up on something here, he's still on the run and capable of killing more people but your thread title said he "was" a MAGAt. As though he was dead. He's still alive. The reason for that is because as soon as you get the thing you believe you can use to smear people, it's over for you? So you said "was". The situation is over for you. But not for anyone who might be shot but you dont care about them of course!