MechanicalMan's Replies

So you're saying the Russians are "exaggerating" how much the election was rigged? It was only a little bit stolen? Or Biden is only a little bit of a pedophile? Which one? All of the above? Wait, aren't you one of those weirdos who spends every single second on the internet saying "OH, THAT'S A BIG BLOW FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP." What person would care what you think/say? No, minority. You needed about 30 million fake votes. Very few real people like senile child-sniffing codgers like Biden. if you agree with this assessment, please indicate by denying it, or by suddenly stopping posting, THANKS! You think Muslims and Mexican drug lords are on the list of "nice people" huh? Dork. "They cheer this" do you mean all Americans or just leftie democrats, who are the minority? Get your head out of ur ass dude. Bidentard mindset: "Any minute now the King of Saudi arabia will show up on my doorstep and give me my magic carpet as a reward for how much I've sucked up to ISISlam all these years.. and he'll give me a mansion with loads of underage concubines in it!" Any minute now! I'll be free of this life of sitting in my basement jacking off to WWE and only having Stephen Colbert for company" That's what you think every day, "robocat" lol A country full of people who pride themselves on how much they suck up to ISISlam, they really seem to have their suicide lined up pretty well don't they? That's the next step from political and spiritual suicide - actually killing yourself. yes you definitely are a tool BYE retard. Keelai, no-one cares. You're in the minority, remember? 30 million fake votes? No-one likes a white-haired old fool or the terrible things he stand for, he got whooped in the real results which unfortunately we'll probably never see at this point You mean Biden's helpers opened the account for him while he took a 3-day-long nap Anybody not care what a retard like you "thinks"? Israel is a civilised and modern country that anyone would want to actually visit. Palestine is a bunch of wife-stoning cavemen who you have the hots for. Fuckin' weirdo. "I know people who wonder why Saville wasn't immediately under suspicion from everyone just by his appearance" Um, that's clearly a comment they're making with the knowledge of what he did... moron! The purpose is to fill time in the schedule and pretend to be "profound". It's just BBC going through the motions as usual. Like you said we all know the story. I was really hoping when they said they were "postponing" it that meant it wouldnt air at all! hOW ARE THOSe submarines still working then? Um yeah, getting "elected" with 30 million fake votes was Joe Biden's contribution to democracy. Democracy is already dead, he killed it. You prefer being here throwing out meaningless generic taunts such as "cry harder" to me, rather than hanging out with any of the minorities that lefties claim to like, such as Muslims or trannies... You'll be here tomorrow doing the same thing, and the same the day after that. "So then this, so then that..." No-one said anything about Mar A Lago except you, you weird autistic little grapefruit. No, Trump isn't a mobster. People who rig elections are criminals. Like The Pedophile in Chief (Bidentard) and all his freaky friends did. You just made that comment to (unsuccessfully) distract from what I said. The part where I said about how nonsensical and stupid all your widdle baby comments are. :) If you agree with this assessment of your pathetic self, please indicate by either continuing to reply in the same way as you have done, or by suddenly stopping. Thanks You really enjoy calling someone who has his own skyscraper a "failed businessman".. dont you? That sums up your general approach to reality...