MovieChat Forums > JFZ > Replies

JFZ's Replies

You think ice core research is only 13 years old? It's literally mentioned in one of the links, dip shit. There's no basements in Florida. The vids have M.I.T. climatologists you moron! God, you're a worthless piece of shit. Not even human. We will start a mostly peaceful protest for Derek in the coming months. Maybe Jan. 6th. That would be a nice ending to this sad tragic story. No it can't be. This isn't directed by Tim Burton. Nope. Just checked. It was directed by a guy named....puts on bifocals....Wes...Craven. Therefore, this is not Johnny Depp. The prosecutor should have said have made the same statement for the liberal audience. Now imagine if the rapists were black and Carl Lee Hailey was white. The fumes from the seething would be palpable. Your eye wasn't already open from Trayvon Martin or George Floyd and the hundreds of race swapping movies? No, that was his partner. This psycho got to live because he wasn't a fully developed serial killer according to liberals, so he can't be executed. So now tax payers continue to feed him, waste money on transporting him to courts for new hearings, etc. that cost more money to defend him... when he should just be worm food. True justice would be a victim of the family murdering him and then getting exonerated like Sam Jackson did in A Time To Kill (which liberals celebrate). There are people who still believe he was suffocated to death after a trial and EVEN a DON LEMON interview with the jury which said he did not choke him? Holy fucking brainwashed shit. Why are you people allowed to exist?! You're an asshole for judging him based on his looks. The true hypocrisy of a mentally deranged lefty. The same ones that will protest innocence and defend any basketball American in the grasp of an officer of justice defending the innocent and upholding societies laws agreed upon by it's voters that are terrorized daily by the onslaught of the scourge of the Seasoning Police. [quote]You couldn't explain to me how it doesn't even if your very life depended on it.[/quote] how it doesn't even? wtf. You are seriously retarded. Or you have to keep asking who did it belong to? And then did they defend and protect it? And whoops. Oh no, I seemed to forget a shit ton of history in between. America is NOT culpable for the Injun issue. They are. White guilt is over. It's as dead as the Redskins football team. [quote]Trump had no plan to distribute the vaccine quickly. That was Biden through executive order which Trump refused to use.[/quote] Yeah, that worked out great didn't it? People forced to take it or lose their jobs for something that has proven to cause more harm than COVID. "Trump mismanaged covid and ended up getting hundreds of thousands of Americans needlessly killed by telling them not to follow science until he was hospitalized." Wrong again. The Science was wrong, it was always wrong. It's still wrong today and they will never cop to it because they lawsuits and malpractice payouts would bankrupt the entire pharmacutical and medical industry. Anyone who put someone on a ventilator would COVID should have their license revoked. Anyone who made the statement the VAX is safe and effective should be sued to bankruptcy and beyond. But you're so dumb, you're choosing this issue as the hill to die on. You actually think Biden's handling of a phony fucking pandemic is a feather in his cap. Yeah another feather of massive fraud, deceit, and corruption. "Murder lower under Biden's strong anti-gun policies and other measures." Wrong. I already told you, that's a phony statement, using COVID lockdown numbers as a comparison, but are still going up. It's the first god damn result when you search. Exactly what I typed previously. And you're lying and spreading misinformation about Russia too. Homelessness would not need to rise if the so call economy was doing great, and jobs were on the rise. Whoops. Someone doesn't know basic economy rules. Awesome! Now type that without crying from your mom's basement. You lazy, arrogant, piece of shit. You should fucking pay for me educating your worthless stupid ass. All of this is OLD videos! I've watched them all. Play catch up bitch, instead parroting the same bullshit that has been spewed by politicians, NOT SCIENTISTS, for decades. Thanks for labeling me and my race as great. Wonderful compliment that is proven every day. Wow the land wasn't worthless? Imagine if the people on it actually the tech, and brain capacity to use it for modern tech. They wouldn't be so reliant on government handouts to feed their alcohol addiction and victim complex. Whoops. What a boner. i dabbled in pacifism once