MovieChat Forums > Melton > Replies

Melton's Replies

Wrong, it has a great piano score. Loved the ‘happy families’ music with his wife, the light jazz stuff and then the deep notes of the thriller-ey music toward the end. A much deserved Oscar-nom-nom-nom! What’s funny is that he was running at bullet-speed yet it took him ages to catch up to his wife who was only like 20 metres in front of him and running in a slow, girly way flailing her limbs. Cruise may struggle to cover much distance but he sure can run like hell. Yeah the pacing is great, I never ‘felt the length’ so they got it right as far as I’m concerned, and with movies clocking in at 3 hours these days it breezed along just fine. Yeah it’s great. I wish they still made movies like this, well plotted, great cast, thrilling yet full of surprises, and perhaps most of all… it assumes the audience has a brain. Do they even make this genre of film anymore?? Why did Louie spare Armand? Why was his coven ‘going to’ kill her? It was a fun retreat and no doubt good for him but no way would an independent rough Philly cop feel at home permanently in an Amish community. OKAYYYY I agree. Movie villains cause untold suffering with their slaughter of innocents, whose families are left ruined and bereft, yet all they get in return is a fairly quick death. Let’s take Die Hard 2. The villain crashes a passenger jet, murdering 350 innocent men, women and children - that’s thousands of lives crushed by having their loved ones snuffed out before their time. His punishment? He gets blown up. Quick. Relatively painless. That guy should have been thrown into an oubliette until he dies of malnutrition at the very least, or preferably chained up and tortured physically and psychologically over a period of decades until he resembles ‘reek’ from Game Of Thrones. A program of Ramsay-style torture with severed appendages and false hope through fake rescue attempts would be far more appropriate. Back To The Future shoukd have won. It’s a perfect screenplay and often used to teach screenwriting. Hell, it’s a perfect film. Witness is fine but it’s nothing special. Ridley’s always been shit with characters. Tony was always the actor’s director, Ridley is the world-builder. Same. The first Deadpool was a revelation, and this one might have even surpassed it. Every line is hilarious and the action is mindblowing. Deadpool 3 has Juggernaut sized boots to fill. I’ve noticed this. I don’t mind trolls being confined to the General Discussion play-pen but when they invade actual movie forums and start derailing discussion of films it gets irritating, and degrades the whole site. Yeah Iron Man is incredible. The character was a relatively minor superhero but it goes to show what can happen when you have a decent script, good director and cast it right. The film ignited the entire MCU. It’s a shame Disney-Marvel have decided to ignore all those lessons now and turned the whole thing to shit. 2-4 for me The new 4K disc comes with a blu-ray of the 3hr TV version, although it’s only DVD quality because that version was edited digitally, not from the original film stock. I’m 2 hours through it and not convinced it’s necessarily better than the theatrical. It’s an oddity because it’s what you’d expect as a director’s final film, not his second. It’s more slow and thoughtful and doesn’t have the manic rebel energy of the rest of his ouvre. It also stands out as being his only film adapted from someone else’s material. I like it fine, but I go to Tarantino to see a crazy magpie genius taking me on a wild ride of transgressive language and violence, and breaking all of the storytelling rules while still totally absorbing me with unique characters spouting endlessly quotable dialogue. Jackie Brown is an unusually conservative work from a born anarchist. Same. I actually found it quite engaging as it went along, with good acting, great camerawork and just enough compelling mystery about what the hell was going on that I was really looking forward to a revelatory and satisfying ending. Well, that never came. The ending was a sloppy mess and brought down the whole house of cards. Midnight Mass, Flanagan’s other horror series, was better overall but even that fell apart at the end. As did Flanagan’s The Shining ‘sequel’ Dr Sleep. His fan-service Overlook finale was cheap and tacky, and killing off Danny was unnecessary and nonsensical. Flan has real filmmaking skill but it’s all for nothing if you can’t create a satisfying ending - the most important part of any story. What’s even more baffling is that the novels he adapts have good endings, he just decides to shred them and replace them with his vastly inferior endings. I’ll be staying away from future Flanagan projects unless I hear he has miraculously learned how to stick the landing. 10 hours is a lot of time to waste on Lost-style rudderless nonsense.