MovieChat Forums > Luffy > Replies

Luffy's Replies

Asimov was no saint, but he did not deserve to die the way he did. I like a couple of his books. He is one of the big three of 50s science fiction. That will always be true. I didn't enjoy watching it. I was being fair in my own way. For a movie to be worth 7.5 stars it would have to be better than merely being solid. Just my opinion. Whatever works, I suppose. Because Deneuve looks not that good looking anymore, due to her aging, just like MD. No. LGGBBDTTQQUIAAAAPPP2SNBGVGQG+ Where's the H? It confuses these retards. Messes with their fractions. A mulatto is half black, right? Then you have quadroon, octaroon, sextaroon, meamelouc, sangmelee etc... How will these poor white people compute and tally how much black DNA a character has got if she is playing the role of a half fish??? Ever thought of that, genius? Put yourself in their place. Catherine Deneuve maybe. Show your evidence to the cops, she's guaranteed to end in the slammer without passing Go, what with you on the case :) Dumbass action movie, but at least it spent its $3m budget much more excitingly than freaking Buried. Honey is as good as sugar, or as bad. It certainly has a higher glycemic index than fructose. It contains no medicinal properties. If I had to choose between eating a jar of honey and a jar of Nutella, I'd go with the latter. Chocolate is the food of the gods, while honey can be mistaken for earwax by that Winnie the Pooh. Disney thinks it has done most of the hard work by casting black and brown people as main characters. The execs are probably patting themselves on the back for such a 'brave' decision. The people in charge are perhaps believing that the hardest part is done, because they are - and there is no perhaps about it - not exactly as laid back and laic as they want their audience to think. They probably don't identify as woke. But they are not going to be more creative about this movie. They are targeting Latinos and Asians, and think they don't need to work hard on the script. As long as they have that mindset, their movies will flop. There are no other deducible reasons why they are not making more money. Even the movies they don't foist on Disney+ are underperforming. Both Aladdin and Peter Pan were awful, awful movies with grade school level acting. I have not watched the Lion King remake, nor the Zemeckis Pinocchio one. Suffice to say that those in charge are on a slippery path to running their company into the ground. Very early days yet, and this can be easily avoided. But Disney is not a business model that inures itself against bankruptcy. They are already creatively bankrupt. And I am a bit annoyed with them. The reason is that the change in cinema in the last decade made me doubt my artistic tastes. Their shitty management and decision making made me feel out of the loop, and I have always thought of myself as being someone who moves along with the times. At first the premise was to create these incubators to rein in the brainpower of all these people wired to the Matrix. I don't know why they changed that. Hahaha! I'll watch it when it comes out on Bluray. Nolan's movies to me aren't worth a trip to the cinema. His choices don't agree with me. People are closer to fish in evolutionary terms than lobsters are. Raiders - 10/10 Last Crusade 9.5/10 ToD - 5/10 Skulls - 3/10 Haven't seen Dial of Destiny. She is British? Amazing. I have never seen a single MI movie. I always want to, but I simply haven't. Sadly it won't be his most successful movie at the box office.