MovieChat Forums > MCguy > Replies

MCguy's Replies

Not my taste, but nice facial features. She dated Bruce Springsteen and Warren Beatty, so obviously others have different taste. Butterface? No. Weird question considering you have never seen the movie. No surprise. I just saw the video of the entire exchange. It's worse than you painted it. This is one more reason Oscar viewership is dwindling. Thanks. I had hoped i learned a new word. what does "vagueable" mean? Google and his cousin can't tell me. Thanks So you're saying Hugh Grant is ballsy enough to insult his colleagues who might give him a job and invite him to parties? Impressive. You really riled up the natives with this post!!! Louis has a man-crush on Rick. It's not complicated. Not in the least better. Great analysis However, "Why would she risk running off with him, only to lose him to some resort bimbo or worse, have him leave her and somehow take some or all of her money?", it's more likely he would screwup and lead the cops to them. By far, the best of ST movies. All the elements of a great film came together. Concerning Streets of Blood : The poster was making a joke or has bad taste in films. I suspect the former. He could run and serve while in prison. Nothing in the constitution prevents it. Long odds, tho. " I heard rumors" Probably not true The segment about the rise of Vito is from the novel. The 1950's segment is not. After I posted I started watching Hustling, the TV movie that jumpstarted Jill to film and for which she won an Emmy. She was quite good. I also watched the beginning of Semi-Tough. I still maintain Kris was too old and out of shape for role. Moore said one of the reasons he quit was because he was older than Tanya Robert's mother. Clayburgh was the next big thing at the time. I am not sure that panned out. Gable and Lombard was to be her breakout. I am not sure Semi-Tough was a star maker for her.. Silver Streak was a hit, but because of Pryor and Wilder. You're entitled to your opinion, tho I don't know how you can speak for the policy of other clubs or can claim anyone who throws a punch goes to jail. Being banned from the Oscars was an over-reaction and just plain silly. IMO, it was fun to talk about, but in real life this incident was not a big deal and a personal matter. But in show business everything is a big deal and nothing is a personal matter.