MovieChat Forums > MCguy > Replies

MCguy's Replies

The film set the standard for what superhero movie should be even with its clunky third act. Watching the episode "Wally's big date" is strong evidence. he doesn't want to date a beautiful girl because she's taller than him. When she makes her herself appear shorter to He praises her for conforming to his lack of self-esteem. That and being poorly written/performed bad and amateurish. This didn't age well. He is working regularly. The trailer is great, so I may watch it. "I dunno but to me doing a daily talk show is scraping the bottom of the bottom of the barrel." Your obsession with criticizing a very successful person is disturbing. Whatever barrel you're in is smaller and lower than the barrel Drew in low. Your position in that barrel is lower that hers. You need to seek help for this obsession. No real answers yet "Folklore and Evermore are alternative" How are you defining alternative? Everyone Gotham City knew Batman was Bruce Wayne. They just pretended otherwise to humor him. Thanks. credible link? Questions like that will lead to Arkansas-cide. I dug in a little deeper and found a Burton quote on the episode LeVar Burton cut in to suggest that the script for "Code of Honor" may not have been all that bad, saying that the episode "read better than it filmed." Also Michael Dorn dubbed it "the worst episode of Star Trek ever filmed" at a TNG reunion panel in 2013. Is that because it's a bad episode, perceived racism, or both? I don't know, full context below. Romulans are offshoots of Vulcans and in TOS Spock once posed as an Asian. Visually both are more Asian than Caucasian. if one is pulled the other should be, but neither should be the problem is now fixed The video wouldn't pay for me, but Dana Carvey is always funny, I don't care how you lean. That's no crazier than most of his/her/their items. With the amount of work he gets, he probably isn't complaining about possible typecasting. Actually, he plays a lot of different types of roles, "Hollywood history is full of stories like this." yes, taking more money up front and producing a weak product.