MovieChat Forums > DavidM > Replies

DavidM's Replies

Exactly, you got it, although it's clear is a determinsitic kind of time travel, so you can't change the past, everything is already included, even the inverted people. I hope you like my little video explaining the movie: The good guy having several woman slaved and hundreds of people starved and thirsty? No, you are wrong. So Inmortal Joe was the good guy, you say? Do you understand the time inversión? That's because you don't understand what the film proposes. The important is the idea, not the actor who played it. Mel Gibson isn't Mad Max, George Mlller is. That violence exists as an inherent part of the human being. Cinema is a visual art, you Moron. Jerking off with Melanie Laurent sex scene. Why you answer then? ? Are you gay or what? She wasn't made for Hollywood. A film where people is reverted and travel Back in time the same way we "travel" forward in time. Eey... No? Thanks, you confirmed what I imagined :) ¿? Can you answer for real? What? Of course the prequels are good, in fact are the ones who made deep to the Star Wars universe, if not it just would be remembered as The Goonies, Ghostbusters or other 80's pulp flicks. What the hell you can say is bad about the prequels? What? Can't you answer me? I will put it simpler if you need it: what you find interesting of the Michael Myers character? You are right, fans of Halloween are as toxic as the fans of Star Wars, for example. For me Halloween has much more in common with Twin Peaks than with other slashers, but the toxic fans just want a big man killing people again and again. We have the Michael Myers rip off whic is Jason Vorhees to do that, David Gordon Green (and Rob Zombie, being fair) has been the only one has tried to exploit the junguian potential of the character so far. No, I mean what is the interesting of this saga for you. Let me Guess, seeing a Big scary man Killing people?