Obligatory recap

Of the first movie, and Furiosa's fate:
>Be me, Mad Max
>Escape with King's breeding-concubines (kept safe to try and breed unmutated humans) and his most trusted warrior, Furiosa Road
>She reveals she stole a tanker filled with the most valuable resource, water. Sick
>First thing she does is dump a bunch of it because the concubines are bitching about being dirty. wtf
>Travel to promised land, where a functioning society will take us in
>Turns out the society's women took over
>The women murdered their husbands, brothers, and sons
>Now they just wait around for men they can rape and murder
>These crazy old women act like that's a good thing
>Turn around, head back to King's land
>"He's, like, really mean. He doesn't let us have enough water, and he kills lots of people. Help me kill him."
>I say my first line of dialogue: "k"
>Help Furiosa fight him
>We kill like 50 of his men, who were basically slaves like her. She doesn't really care, though.
>She installs herself as queen and appoints concubines into positions of power
>Their first act is to dump the reserves of their life-giving water onto the dirty soil
>They giggle and watch the peasants wallow around in mud
>They act like this is some triumphant, declarative statement about their suitability as leaders
>I shake my head and turn around, knowing they'll be dead within a year
>Realize that all those deaths are on my hands, because I didn't kill Furiosa, enslave the witless concubines, and make the hard decisions that would've led to their people having some hope at life
>"Oh cool, a scorpion. That's totally badass."
>Eat it.


well thats one way of looking at it


So Inmortal Joe was the good guy, you say?


*A* good guy? No. *THE* good guy? Sure. But in those circumstances there isn't exactly room for a paragon of virtue.


The good guy having several woman slaved and hundreds of people starved and thirsty? No, you are wrong.


What is it you propose he could've done better? We see two alternatives in the movie, which I outlined above, and they're much, much worse.
