OnanTheBarbarian's Replies

Woo hoo!!! One of my favorite posters! Hahaha. They make it sound horrible. But it sounds like your normal large family hijinks. I have 8 brothers and sisters. Haha. He's a decent actor but there's so much prettyboy over-adulation, that I want to give him a 0/10 to bring his numbers down to reality. But he's good. So I'll give him 7/10. I meant "wolves" in a positive sense. American blacks think independently, not like a herd. Huh? Have you read any of the examples on this thread about how maybe marijuana ain't such a good thing after all? Not only the Darth's news reports, but personal testimony from former pot smokers on this thread? You sound like an addict and addicts will never admit the reality of their condition. "Denial" is a river. 👍 Also, I do know some older people in their 60's who have been prescribed cannabis for relaxation. They seem to do fine with it. I think it may be something which is helpful for older people and a negative for younger people. Okay, you make a good point. I just don't know enough to address that issue. I told you. I've seen it across the board from 20-somethings to 50-somethings. I'm not talking about old age. You're awful paranoid and defensive. Are you high right now? Hahaha. Projection, dude. Seriously, you potsmokers all think alike. You've lost that edge. 1) References to the extreme left are one. He's calling bourgeois liberals "extreme left". That's silly right wing rhetoric. I oppose "woke" censorship as well. But it's standard center left liberalism to ban words and limit critique of certain "marginalized" groups. It's not "extreme". It's been going on for the last 100 years. 2) Criticism of Israel's invasion of Gaza is not "extreme left". The main stream liberal press and Biden himself have called for a ceasefire. 3) Fuck this idiot. He's old and he's lost his edge. I never said it shouldn't be legal. I said it dulls the brain. Like every drug it has good and bad side effects. You're ignoring the negative side effects. That's all I'm saying. I've been there done that. It's a lazy high. Asians think like sheep. Blacks think more like wolves. Lol. I could see it when we were in our 20'sand 30's and it's even worse now. I never said it limits athletics. I said it dulls the brain. Huh? That's right to the point. I just told you why he's being booed by students. Lol, on prime time tv shows about masturbation and vulvas and blah blah blah are risque. No one else dared do that in the 90's. Good old days of male dominance. An ugly guy like that could never get a beautiful woman like those unless he was rich as fuck or Pete Davidson. But it makes you a passive dolt with no ambition. Let me just give you a word of caution. I smoked a lot of weed in my 20's but eventually quit. All my old friends who kept doing it now have brains of mush. It makes people passive and complacent. That's the real danger of marijuana. Exactly. And 19 billion dollars of our tax money has gone to pay salaries and pensions for Ukrainian "government officials". Pensions? Really?