OnanTheBarbarian's Replies

I don't post on fb anymore. They were there last time I checked. If I may ask, who got banned? Who got annoyed? And who got chased away? I don't know all what other sites they're on. I just know all three were popular MovieChat posters. Why did they leave? I'm a big Lucy fan and I plan on seeing it. Ball was a comedic genius. I don't watch much tv. But those old reruns never get old. I would have suspected Arnaz faced much racism. It's astounding that an interracial couple had the most successful sitcom of the 1950's. It was another 20 years before interracial couples were accepted on tv. It's still rare. That would be something and you may be right. I hope not. I can't bear the thought of a President Harris. Accuse me of misogyny. I don't care. But Sandra Bullock would have been insufferable in that role! Keanu Reeves may not be the best actor. But Neo is seriously a male role. Brad Pitt would have overacted it. I agree with you that Kamala Harris was placed there by "The Illuminati". They need a puppet without much substance whom they can control. But still, she needs to come across as viable and she hasn't convinced anyone. The power brokers will probably dump her and look for another puppet. Hopefully! I used to think the c word was the worst. But there was a thread about it, and younger women say they are not really bothered by it. Older women think it's misogynistic. Younger women are like "who cares?" Do you think that blondes are really dumber than brunettes and redheads? Yes, because our WASP society values their blonde looks so much that on average they use their brains less. Which country would you say has the dumbest people? China. Weak rice paddy peasant herd mentality. No individualism. How long would you date someone before you farted in front of them? I never openly fart in front of anybody no longer how long I've known them. Who does that? Would you date someone who let their dog sleep underneath the covers with you? No. That's a deal breaker. What derogatory or curse word do you consider to be the most offensive? "Shitass". You rarely hear it but it's vile. Which do you believe came first, the chicken or the egg? The chicken came first, if you mean parent/child. The first creature which ever existed on earth had no parent. If a tree falls in the woods and there is nobody around to hear it, does it make a sound? No. Sound only exists if there is an ear to receive sound waves. He won't run. He'll be 82 in 2024. No way in hell a President can start a term at 82. He has to say he'll run or else he becomes a lame duck. Lol. That cracked me up too. The police were overwhelmed by redneck yahoos carrying rifles. They did order Rittenhouse to leave the first car lot he was trying to "protect". He just found another one down the block to "protect" once the police had moved on. If you think Rittenhouse was needed to keep the peace at a black civil rights march, you make a good argument for defunding the police. I'm an old school law and order guy. Keep teenagers with rifles off the street. Let the police do their job. Where did you grow up, Zimbabwe? What are you two gonna do behind the bike sheds? Well I think it's the job of police to control violence in the streets, not a bunch of rednecks with guns. I don't see that Rittenhouse protected any property. He just incited violence by prancing around with a rifle. And there were police on patrol. They told Rittenhouse to move along at one point. The Kenosha Police Department themselves said they did not want armed vigilantes on the street. The true conservative position is to have law and order - not high school kids with guns playing vigilante cop. Well Lara Croft is one of them. You know, the nutty Romanian. I'm not sure what name he uses here. There's some gay named Orson who said he was banned here. I'm not always nice. In fact I can be down right ornery sometimes. 😈 But I follow the rules. Being nice and following the rules are two very different things. Steve was Adam's homosexual lover. It's not him. It's called accountability. It's about power being open to scrutiny. I just do not see the need for anonymity in moderation. I'm guessing the mods also post on their regular accounts? I've never posted on another forum where mods were anonymous. They always have a name and are open to dialog. So far I'm very impressed with this site. Perhaps the complaints I heard on filmboards about frivolous bans were just so much butthurt. I still would like to know the mods names though. I just don't see the point of stealth in moderation. "The Day the Earth Stood Still" is solid sci-fi. Most of the best sci-fi movies were made in the 1950's without elaborate special effects. What are your top 5? Just 5 off the top: Blade Runner (1982) Forbidden Planet Bully Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf Eraserhead