OnanTheBarbarian's Replies

Gag me with a spoon. 😜 Well I don't kick back and listen to The Beach Boys. I don't like them like that. But those are classic early rock songs so you have to respect them. Like I said this area where I grew up and live, South Bay, is where the surfing craze began in the continental USA. And no one does that beach sound better than those guys. Have you ever heard of the Ventures? They do the surf sound but they do a serious surf guitar. The Beach Boys are really just pop. Do you like this?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqC3BjIyq_0 Did Rio dance in the sand? I agree with you there. I hate KISS. Always have. Even when I was in high school. The Beach Boys are homeboys here where I grew up. So I can't hate them. Okay, what about a diva like Cher or Madonna? Say she's rude to everybody on the set? Do you cancel the show because some actress is difficult to work with? Then I fear for our future. They shit their pants. 1982 Ford Granada. Lol. lol I like it. A little bit rockabilly. I give it 7/10. Lol. I just need at least a spread legged shot to get horny. Wow, harsh! But I do get your point. At first I thought you were being unnecessarily dismissive of an important figure in American rock music. And I do not believe Nirvana was as important in rock as bands like the Beatles, the Stones, Bowie, Joy Division, Bauhaus, Depeche Mode et al. And like I said, Alice in Chains was a better and more influential grunge band. But you are right. The suicide itself was so emo and so fitting with the constructed image. It's almost as if Cobain became so lost in the persona that he deluded himself into death. I haven't heard anyone use the word "gnar" in 20 years. 🤣 As a television viewer I don't give a rat's ass if all those self entitled people on the set had a nice day. Garlin did the goddamn job. That's all that matters in the production of tv show. So cry me a river if somebody felt insulted and didn't like it. Boo hoo hoo. If he contributed to the success of the show, keep him on the show. They're all loud obnoxious people who only care about themselves. And yes, they're cowardly and they start bawling when everything doesn't go their way. I've been called crazy recently. Jeff Garlin is the greatest. Sorry, I just don't give a fuck if some woman felt offended by whatever he did. Deal with it. Babies are pretty useless when it really comes down to it. This is why the human race gets stupider with each new generation. 🤣 👌 Nah. It takes a lot to make me wanna fap. 🙄