rushington's Replies The film neglected to mention the dad's story based on the book. I don't think he had anything to do with his dad's demise. I haven't read the book but I reckon the dad was an alcoholic and the mother took to drinking as well to cope with Phil's bad behavior. Sup with him patting Katherine Heigl's right tit at the age of 16 ! He's awesome in Succession. Chuck and Buck Lars and the Real Girl May Rent-a-pal Also trending is a show called Succession, it's on HBO.. I binged 6 episodes of the first season, so far so good. Riveting performances, despicable characters, the tension grows as it runs. Last night in Soho Hereditary This film sadly didn't live up to the hype. Bleak motherhood arthouse crap. It does seem like a Woody Allen cheap ripoff. The script was smart enough to grab me but boy did I cringe the whole time watching it. The whole family's infidelity was off-putting and it sounded like the director wanted to condone such behaviors. I can see why it fell under the group's radar. Andrew Garfield for best actor who's Kramer ? Superhero movies but I didn't mind Deadpool. Action packed flicks. The whole thing was imagined to show how unsettled and infuriated Spencer was feeling, it was a perspective shot. We see her wearing the pearls again as she walks out the corridor. Spencer (2021) 6.7/10 David Cronenberg's "Spider" (2002) I just watched it for the first time and it left me scratching my head for answers. A very solid indie psychological horror gem. I consider this hidden gem the male version of Single White Female. LMAO I liked it too, some parts were hastened though but still a solid premise and entertaining film.