LookMaAFag's Replies

Yeah an now she, Biden and Psakis are MIA Ok pedo. Ok pedo. They’re ANTIFA. Yes he had a flatulence problem. Thank goodness he got his way otherwise he would have been stabbed and a Wilhelm scream dubbed in. Ewww I bet Mika Kunis’s cooch is rank AF Get vaccinated so I can shit on your grave Based on his family history Don Lemon couldn’t survive being put in a swimming pool No sympathy what a stupid brain dead bitch And vaccinated people are all going to die. Good riddance DA MOVIE LOST SIX MILLION SHEKELS ORANGE MAN BAD OY VEY I think Ali and Miyagi should have had hot monkey sex on the hood of his car while Daniel watched crying. You haven’t tasted my shit after I shit and your mom eats it and then shits it out. Yep he’s sniffing underage girls at an even faster pace than 30 years ago He had more chins than a Chinese phone book. Look up ADE it’s similar to what AIDS does to your immune system. You’ll die if it first hahahahah When you die from the jab I’ll come back here to laugh at you. No what’s insane is a bunch of idiots taking an experimental vaccination on the guidance of a liar (Fauci) He’s a whiny little bitch that talks about oppression from his million dollar mansion.