Hybrid66's Posts

[Spoilers] Childish, laughably crap and clichéd ''fight'' at the end... Tolkien HIMSELF mentioned BLACK ''Hobbits'' - get over it, Americans. Better looking than Roosevelt God HELP America... American media is in the CIA's pocket anyway. So, even though China hates us,... Why does this guy have TWO boards? Why does this guy have TWO boards? Fantastic actor, incredible self-stunts and seems a likeable guy Neo-Nazi moron twisting everything...as expected. How good a band leader without Lennon-McCartney existing? NOT. fucking. funny. Paedophile Still great, but much less so than before... Talentless, mental skank...and can't sing WTF is this guy doing on here? Pretentious fop The Oliphonts and their ''Eastern'' Mahouts- basis? Has always been a c*nt