Callahan7's Replies

I don't know. A good question. Does anyone know? If I ignore someone they are out of sight and mind. I don't care if they can see me or not. I'm just curious. This is old school tech so maybe they can't see you. Like on the original IMDB. Now ProBoards, that's another matter entirely. Newer tech but their ignore feature blows. "You incest breeding rednecks..." Where did that come from? You know nothing about me. "Bottom line, Noem is a Zoosadist and you're simping for her, not your fault, seems to be in nature with you right wingers." It is a non-event. She would still make an excellent VP choice. Most people who know about this story thought "so what?". Anti-Trump forces tried to make something out of nothing. They failed again. She may or may not be Donald Trump's VP pick. Yay or nay- Donald Trump will very likely win on November 5th. It is too early to say for certain but all reputable polls have Trump as the favorite. MAGA Yes, it was Deadpool. If you don't believe me you can look it up. Read about what really happened. The goat became mean and unmanageable. It was necessary to put him down. LMAO A few complaints are coming in from city slickers who don't know anything about living on a ranch. Big deal. Most Americans understand. Especially rural Americans. Even in cities most have the common sense to know this is much ado about nothing. The dog became feral. Dangerous and untrainable. She did the right thing. She used a firearm. Quick and painless. No big deal. People in rural America understand. Nothing to see here. She would still make an excellent VP pick. MAGA He was God. Interesting article Jes' Sayin'. How does he get out of making his next film his final film? He could just say "I've reconsidered. The tenth film may not be the last one." Or something like that, right? I wouldn't go so far as to say "net worth has zero bearing on sadness" moviechatterer. Would you rather be rich (LIKE ALEC BALDWIN AND ME) or poor? As for jerkness- poor people are jerks. Rich people are (sometimes) "foolish". Just like poor people are crazy. Rich people are "eccentric". A chambermaid is pregnant. A lady is "expecting". "That would have landed you in jail." Nope. "And yes he does need my permission to go out in public." Nope. Good post until you said sad old jerk. Alec is not sad. He is not a jerk either. He portrayed Abraham Lincoln in some educational films and was very good. He bore a resemblance to the former President and he had that great voice. He doesn't need your permission to go out in public. He doesn't deserve to be harassed in public in such a horrible way. Shouting obscenities and insults and demanding he say "f___k Israel", etc. "If it were you or me and we knew another fuckup could end our career or worse, we'd close our mouths and leave..." Just say "you". You know nothing about me. I would have probably slapped her camera down. She deserved it. You put your head down, take it and just leave. Just take it. Wimp. "Lord Rake" You are not royalty. You are very common. Unlike Alec Baldwin and me. He doesn't need your permission to go out in public. Veterans do not own PTSD. Any person (military or non-military) can have Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after experiencing traumatic event. If you don't believe me you can look it up. I don't know what happened. It could be hyperbole. Perhaps she was not entirely serious. Maybe she was. You overreacted. Maybe you should calm down and drink some coffee or tea. If caffeine does not agree with you then snack on your favorite food. You will feel better. I like Kirsten. Take it easy Kendricks. Go drink a cup of coffee or tea or something. I know nothing about this film or what she went through during production. So I do not have an opinion on her comments. I like Kirsten. So there you are. He doesn't know me as far as I know. Maybe he is talking about someone else. "...he doesn't like trans athletes competing in women's sports...." That is not "wrong" Ace. He is 100% correct. He got off with a light sentence because he <i>is</i> Pierce Brosnan. "By our logic, a $1500 fine is a pretty meager punishment. Heck, that’s probably the value of the pink wingtips that match the suit he’s wearing in the above photo." His punishment would have been more severe if he was <i>not</i> Pierce Brosnan. He has reportedly decided to drop this project. I don't know if that decision is final. His reasons are unknown at this time. Keys was WRONG. Whether he is unlucky is debatable. What is undisputed is that he is rich. On suicide watch? Why?