MovieChat Forums > EdwardHaskell

EdwardHaskell (125)


Graham Chapman, 1987 I like the profile pic Duke's The Crane Shot Redux Just before the head explodes... What will become of Lalo? View all posts >


The fact that this award did not exist until now says it all. I'd wager it will never be awarded again. The OCRP just dreamed it up to prop up Trump. It's a joke. <i>The Beguiled</i>. 1971. Having listened to it a couple of times (hated it, BTW) I think your really reaching on this one. There is a similarity between the two but I don't think it can be said that you actually hear the <i>Jaws</i> theme. It was never a, "small sports story." It was a crime story that got national attention from the beginning. Of course ESPN would cover it because a popular NFL player was a person of interest. But I did not have cable, let alone ESPN and still I heard about it all week before the Bronco chase. The, "mainstream media," was all over this. <blockquote>Flamish is a culture of a region.</blockquote> Took you long enough to answer. And you can't spell either. And Flemish is a dialect. <blockquote>...everyone keeps on babbling about the water plot, the water plot, the water plot, when he realized Catherine was alive, the water plot went right out the window, it wasn't about that, it was about Catherine alone.</blockquote> The last line of the quote below says it all. <i>Robert Towne: Well, I don’t have to tell you that we weren’t trying to write a screenplay that was perfectly-structured. We were just trying to make it make sense. I remember, even without Roman, the first structural question, which may seem absurd now after the fact, was the question of which revelation comes first, the incest or the water scandal? And of course, it was the water scandal. When I realized that, I realized how foolish it was even to have asked the question. <b>But the water scandal was the plot</b>, essentially, and the subplot was the incest.</i> Going back to the original point of this exchange... I said Flemish is a Dutch dialect. You disagreed. But Flemish is irrefutably one of several dialects of the Dutch language. You now seem to be agreeing with that. As for US English, you don't seem to understand what I am saying. You attribute to me ideas that I have not expressed and your arguments make absolutely no sense. You are right about one thing, though. I am not a Dutch speaker. One the other hand, your comprehension and writing of English are also very poor. <blockquote>so dutch has no regional dialects in both Flanders and Holland mr expert? LMAO</blockquote> I said no such thing so you can pick your ass up off the ground now. I said Flemish is a Dutch dialect. You said it was not but by your own description of Flemish it is. You make absolutely no sense. I don't think you understand what constitutes a dialect. To say US English is a dialect is incorrect. There are many dialects in American English just as there are many dialects in British English. Still more world wide. <blockquote> just have different accents and certain words and expressions are totally different...</blockquote> Hence, it is a dialect. View all replies >