DevilsAdvocate's Replies

I noticed that too. Just staring. That person had no purpose being there. Makes no sense all. They can easily digitally remove that out. It would not be costly either. Everytime when we learn about our history, especially our horrible history as humans. Just got to wonder, what if the dinosaurs never went extinct? Just got to wonder about that. 😮 Oh, yeah...! Anyway -- the OP have made excellent points about the suit. We got to agree about that. So you decided to drop by here and brag about your toilet problems?!?! You need to eat healthier, good fiber for you is much needed... [edit] Oh, you meant the film? My bad. Watch both whilst doing a number two, and let us know, I guess... Boring, why... did you wanted to see the father punish his son with that tiny branch? If so, that would be wrong. I whole heartedly disagree with your post. This film is very entertaining and has such a good story. What are you talking about?!?!? Zack is mentally fine. We all supported him. Okay??? Wonder Woman brutally OBLITERATED a criminal terrorist in front of a group people, especially CHILDREN, that was awesome! She randomly obtained super speed and stopped bullets... if only they gave Zack an extra HOUR of film, she would have had the ability to disarm him and just think, she almost recklessly killed all the people below the building as collateral because we all needed to see a huge cool explosion scene. Wonder Woman is a hero, she is a hero?!?! Yay(!) And after all that, we got treated to this brilliant moment: "Can I be like you someday?" "You can be anything you want to be." This is normal. Absolutely normal, that is how normal people react when someone (even a bad guy) dies right in front of 'em. The scene made a whole lot of sense, we needed to see this scene, such a shame Joss cut this scene out of the theatrical cut... Oh, that Zack Snyder-- he did right in his movie, what... a... great... person and director. So glad EVERYONE loves this movie, he totally deserves an Oscar(!) I really like Tudyk also. If you haven't saw it already. I highly recommend you a movie that was released in 2013 called 42. 42 is a movie you want to watch. Especially for Tudyk. Tudyk is in that film. 😇 Short answer. Yes. Oh, thank goodness. For some reason, I thought you came here to brag... 😏🐰 I want to know also? You know, for my friend... Yes!!! "That will be-uh... one adult and-uh... two adults. I guess?" Haha. That line and also... "Hi, Nancy... my own fiancée, doesn't remember me." The brilliance of this scene. Awesome! Whoa, this is about the third time I've seen this mentioned on the net in these past few days. I guess this film is enticing me... I shall watch this?!?! :-/ The film is okay-ish. Quite an old film for me. But still okay. Prometheus however is excellent.