djangounlamed's Replies

Just look at all the "experts" on this board who doesnt even have the tineiest bit of education on the topic.. When I ask them how they content with the consensus of scientists and medical experts on covid. they say "I can look at the numbers and statistics myself and they arent that bad!" As if these experts haven't. or as if there isnt other information besides this. Like the fact these numbers are worse than any common flu, in terms of spreading, infection and deaths, even with all the precautions and shutdowns and screenings, and masks and distancing. I just find it hilarious conservatives and especially Satan2016 loves to quote Orwell a well known leftists at leftists, calling them commies. "I was trained in preventing the spread of contamination of objects even smaller than a virus. " yet too dumb to understand how things work... everything you say is pure truth... why did you runaway rat after changing a quote you copy and pasted? sooo sad and the rat ran away at least TDK had a good bad guy. TDKR was a convoluted mass yeppp. it was all for "the plan" sure it was bro might as well have called this "please pay attention to me because no one cares" I down care if the original source was based of a haiku written on the back of a napkin. LOTR is a trilogy if you think TDKR is better, you might be retarded he was on IMDB back in the day, this guy names hungry hippo would destroy him. hes been on the same movie on two different boards for literally 5 years...... did you see he tried to argue with someone LOTR wasn't a trilogy of films because he was mad it beat TDK trology even my top 5 films I wouldn't say any are perfect, hell not even an 8.5/10. no film is perfect and even my favourites have major flaws. but this guy cant even do that true dat. guy lives on here hes on the verge LOOL hes a lonely lonely person. he messaged me saying "im showing all my students what you wrote" then it changed to "im showing all my colleagues" the guy is literally making up people in his head.... but ehh so alone he couldn't even makeup "showing friends". that's just sad hes messaging me like a pyscho too cause I said TDKR had flaws. hes a trumpets conservative, but is guaranteed on welfare I get the appeal of a conspiracy theory but you are wrong Kubrick went up to the moon and left remnants of the Apollo missions up there? they left up reflectors up there so people could measure the distance not just Nasa. Besides the mountain of evidence.there is no way in hell that the Soviet Union would have not been monitoring every second of it and calling out the USA for this propaganda victory if that was so. besides people can literally see remnants from he Apollo mission on the moon so you are saying a sizeable chunk of those screaming about this being SJW, feminist nonsense were democrats? no ones arguing there arent perfect mutually exclusive categorizations of political ideology and parties. there are self described conservatives who are democrats. but its undoubtedly true the cries of forced diversity," pushing feminism on us" and "SJW agenda!" almsot exclusively comes from republicans and conservatives. seriously come back to reality.... Im not saying NONE were but a noticeable chunk? you are in la land