damosuzuki1's Replies

i've never seen the original, and am completely indifferent to ever seeing it. i was indifferent to seeing this too. i went only because it was getting such strong reviews. but i still didn't expect to really like it. instead i completely fell for it. even though every second there isn't a plane in the air is just ok, i gave it a 5/5 cuz every second that does have a plane in the air is fantastic. also apt: 'a wagging tongue bites itself.' https://twitter.com/GiteshPandya/status/1533468829807955969 "Just look where #TopGun sits among biggest non-holiday 2nd wknds of ALL-TIME! $147.4M #AvengersEndgame $114.8M #AvengersInfinityWar $111.7M #BlackPanther $106.6M #JurassicWorld $103.1M #Avengers $90.4M #BeautyAndTheBeast $86M #TopGunMaverick All those hits ended at $500M+." i'd still like to wait and see how it does next weekend when it loses a lot of premium screens to the dinosaurs, but i'm more convinced than not that $500m is the minimum final domestic gross. i don't know about $1b worldwide, but i think it's a distinct possibility. especially when you consider korea isn't in the mix yet, and fallout made $50m there. this will likely do better. all you have to do is scroll down a little bit on that link you've given to see that those totals don't include saturday or sunday numbers. current projections are that it will be at 291m by the end of today. https://deadline.com/2022/06/top-gun-maverick-box-office-tom-cruise-record-1235038177/ threads like this almost make me miss queensfan. he was a troll who at least put a bit of elbow grease into his posts. it's probably going to be at 290m domestic by the end of the weekend. i think with that kind of hold, there's very little chance this doesn't make at least 400m domestic. that seems like the minimum now. some people are saying $500m is the minimum. that seems too aggressive to me. we'll have to see what happens when that dinosaur movie takes over the big format screens next week. catch this on imax while you can. https://twitter.com/GiteshPandya/status/1533092789772242944 pessimistic. unrealistically so. there is no way this makes less than 300m. it would have to collapse. the audience reaction to this is much stronger than ds2. the proof of the pudding is in the eating, but i bet this holds much, much better than ds & has a stronger multiplier. it's probably going to be at 270m at the end of this weekend. i think it will end up around 380m domestic. & i think that may be pessimistic. it's very in keeping with your personality that, even after i deleted, you can still take a second to treat me like trash. thanks the howard hughes medical institute. https://www.hhmi.org/ from the wiki page: "The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) is an American non-profit medical research organization based in Chevy Chase, Maryland.[3][4] It was founded in 1953, by Howard Hughes who was an American business magnate, investor, record-setting pilot, engineer,[5] film director, and philanthropist, who was known during his lifetime as one of the most financially successful individuals in the world. It is one of the largest private funding organizations for biological and medical research in the United States. HHMI spends about $1 million per HHMI Investigator per year, which amounts to annual investment in biomedical research of about $825 million. The institute has an endowment of $22.6 billion, making it the second-wealthiest philanthropic organization in the United States and the second-best endowed medical research foundation in the world.[6] HHMI is the former owner of the Hughes Aircraft Company – an American aerospace firm which was divested to various firms over time." look. objectively this is some funny shit. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1519480761749016577 hey thanks, i appreciate all that. i am trying to take an overall break from the online world right now. i might come back with a new username in a month or two. i have a history of doing that. i do get a bit wound up and emotional over silly little internet fights, so it's probably a good idea for me to step away for a bit every now and then. but it's probably not permanent, and odds are i'll likely be back in the not distant future. happy moviechatting to you. i'm not metatron. i hated that prick! all i can tell you is that, whenever i come to this site from a laptop or mobile that isn't the one i used to delete the account, it shows me as logged in. i can't see my posting history, i can't go into my profile to see the posts i've created, but i can see my old personal messages and respond to them, and i get notifications when someone responds to my posts, like you did. weirdness. i didn't delete my account today. there's a weird quirk here that allows me to post from an account that i've deleted, as long as i don't post on the device i was on when i deleted the account. weirdness. it's like a zombie account. i'm not a musk fanboy or anything. i think he's mostly really admirable though. it's snippy posts like yours that drove me to delete my account. i don't know why i'm back. i'm weak and lame, i guess. i really admire musk a lot. there's lots of billionaires i've admired a lot, some not so much. i think musk for the most part is really great. here's a good summary i saw posted on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/elon-musk-email-65140502 The Year Is 2000. Imagine Al Gore telling you about a liberal businessman he just met: He’s an immigrant to America. He’s the biggest advocate for getting America and the world off fossil fuels. He’s donated $100 Million to develop technology to capture carbon from the atmosphere. He’s not “neuro typical”. But has overcome his “disability” and has become very successful. In 2021 he will pay the largest amount of yearly taxes in American history. He’s a leader in the solar power industry. He’s a leader in the battery technology industry. He's a leader in the software industry. He’s a leader in the Artificial Intelligence industry. But he’s one of the biggest critics of AI safety. He started a company to make brain-computer Interfaces to help people with head and spine trauma to walk and communicate again. Or even control a robot prosthetics with their mind. He started a tunneling company to cheaply fix transportation bottlenecks and reduce the social crime of using eminent domain against poor people and their neighborhoods. He started to design humanoid robots to help in factories, doing dangerous or overly repetitive tasks. He runs an electric car company that has become the most successful and most valuable car company in the history of the world. His cars are the safest ever tested at the American insurance institute. His cars can drive themselves and are statistically safer drivers on highways than just humans. He started a satellite internet company that offers incredibly high speed internet access to any person, anywhere on earth- including countries that are run by oppressive authoritarians and dictators. He taught himself rocket science and started a space transportation and rocket company that reinvented access to space and other planets. The US Congress ended the Space shuttle program and asked private industry to takeover delivering our American astronauts to orbit and beyond - he answered the call 1st. His services are 1/10th the cost what NASA was paying previously. He was concerned that current K-12 schooling weren’t preparing his children for the 21st century. So he started a private school for his employees children to focus on building entrepreneurs, inventors, software developers, and STEM leaders. He believes free speech is the cornerstone of a healthy democracy. He was worried about censorship by a social media company so he spent $3B of his own money to become the largest investor. He doesn’t like unions, but he has some of the most loyal and happy employees of any tech company. He loves the movie Space Balls. Occasionally, he publicly SAYS “weird or stupid stuff” but ……let’s not forget he has a “mental disability”. And oh yeah, he’s fucking smarter than 99.99% of us. I’d say he’s a liberal dreamboat! Sue me. I just think it's neat that the world's richest man is also a twitter troll. i think you're ok. tbh you kinda remind me of me. or what i'd be like if i didn't have a filter or a bit of an off switch in my head. i will take getting electrons beamed to my phone or laptop over having my life cluttered up by who knows how many pieces of plastic. there may be good things about holding onto physical media, but for the most part i am very happy to have that stuff out of my life. i personally can't stand listening to them anymore. i certainly liked them a lot at one time, but i find them completely gutless and wimpy now. i'd honestly rather listen to anything else. i kinda feel like there's at least four different pink floyds, & i basically think the first two (barrett, ummagumma, meddle stuff/dsotm & wywh) are pretty great, and the last two (waters ego goes mental & gilmore makes nice fm radio rock) are not for me. nico, 1988