cbsteven's Replies

Yup. Proper revenge sadism. Not a comedy. The ending was forced on Craven, so New Line could get on with the sequels. It never gets referenced in 3. Absolutely. The first is a straight horror. A few funny lines, but no attempt at anything more than that. Sometimes if a new/young actor has a big role, they'll put that in. An attempt at trying to make someone a star, or to suggest that they've discovered a new talent. Definitely Nancy, but not referencing much from the film. Freddy looks odd, like concept art that was never used. This was the cover from the VHS I had. The first is one of the finest horrors in existence. A genuinely dark and inventive film, with effects that are still effective all these years later. The others became teen adventures, rather than straight horror. All depends what genres you prefer. It meant the chance to have the Skynet attack, so then allow a fourth to focus just on the war. Anything with nanobots is always unconvincing. Exactly. A strange line. Probably put in to help the 'first kiss' and hooking up that John said could've happened between them. 13 would be more believable than 10. Could we assume some kind of 'butterfly effect' and the post-T1 timeline was different enough that the T1000 was developed, and it was thought a better idea to send a T101 rather than a man? Or.... why let logic get in the way of a sequel? We don't know how fast it could process, and it has to take in all the surroundings and moving people/objects in real time. Sarah has a puzzled expression for a second at the end of the call. She doesn't know the T101 can mimic voices though, and has a basic grasp of vocabulary. Chances are, it would've been a short call, with T101 getting straight to asking where Sarah was. I guess it's like the Voight Kampf machine in Blade Runner, where too much conversation would give it away. There's a bunch of times in T1 when he could kill but doesn't. They would have a lot of explaining to do. Of course, if the military were working with Cyberdyne at this point, they might want to keep everyone quiet. So John and Sarah might be able to bargain with them. She's probably processing shock, and completely disconnected from reality. It would never work. Too many secrets and too much to try and explain. I wonder why she invited Lanna back, knowing how risky it would be. Why did you stop here? Seventeen years. I'm another who loves the film. It gets so much hate on here though. As well as Morvern's lack of bun, she gets a lot more money in the film. The other difference I remember is when she meets the publishers. Don't they all get coked up in the book? What if she's not stupid and ridiculous, but actually processing shock? The complete opposite of carefree. Exactly. Everyone has a different opinion of why she did what she did. Maybe not anger, but just being in a position where she can. She takes the 'I wrote it for you' line literally.