JDogNight's Replies

Aww shucks thanks =] Or shotgun toting racist redneck patrols in their pickup truck. Yeppers. I got drawn in by all the recent events in the world, so I made a new account. What about porn? They are essential workers. Happy 50k! (From Frogarama) Stealth Her Knight Rider Ooh I didn't see that one... I was using a "horror" glitch font, it starts with a z but I forget the name. Mwuahahahaha! Let's hope he can keep his finger off the nuke button until then... I had to see if I could post the glitch font! That's karma for harassing Obama for years over the birth certificate. The orange pig deserves far worse. M̵͎̭̖̜̬̩͍͓̹̼̞̥̲̈͋̌́̈͋̅̇̓̒͊̍́̆̓̽̉̚͝Ơ̸̥͈̗͊̈́͌̌̾̓̿̓͊́́̐̈͑̀̆͊͠Ŕ̷̢̨̛̻͓͍̲͔̜͈̘͌͗̍̀̓̄͛̃͛̈́̋͜͠D̵̹̑̊Ë̵̡͎̰̼̜͊̈́C̶̩̣̩̮̘̗͊̒̐͋̓̎̅̈́̆̀͛̊͘Â̶̟̪̤̿̂̅̽́Ǐ̸̙̥̗̺̥̱̰̞̞̳̬̤͍̫̗̰̊͂͛͗̄̃̽̿͆̌̌̍̔͘͜͠͝͝͝ Yosemite Sam sounds good, but Bugs is awkward, yeah... And doesn't talk like Bugs. He talks like someone trying too hard to write Bugs Bunny dialogue. That sounds like a huge heap of OSHA violations! They were three delicious days, though! Lots of free food. KFC. I worked there for 3 days and that was enough. That's a big if. Let's fantasize LOL First we need to ensure they're actually chicken! It is really good on a strip steak https://news.yahoo.com/saved-protesters-protected-lone-cop-231203138.html "There is no white history month or Asian history month" LOL. Wow you really need to research before posting. Asian history month is May. https://apaics.org/events/asian-pacific-american-heritage-month/#:~:text=The%20month%20of%20May%20was,the%20tracks%20were%20Chinese%20immigrants. Here's a white history month: https://nationaldaycalendar.com/german-american-heritage-month-october/#:~:text=When%20the%20calendar%20turns%20to,Germany%20began%20settling%20in%20Pennsylvania. By the way, "white" is not a culture. Neither is "black" because African-American aren't the only "black" people in the world. There are many white cultures and many black cultures.