newsong's Replies

I went in skeptical and was pleasantly surprised. I think they did a good job of giving a different perspective of the bible characters. It makes them look very human and seems to get the look of the time right for the most part. I'm no expert of the era but I think they gave it a good effort. You will probably at least be entertained. I'd suggest giving the first few episodes a look. It's hard to explain why this is so compelling. They are not trying to sell you a painting, they are trying to tell a story and I think they did good with that. I'm just two episodes into season 2 FWIW I'm thinking twin peaks I am positive I heard that both pills had his medication which was harmless to him but deadly to a person without his condition but on second viewing I couldn't find the reference. IOW, he was running a scam. That's pretty much what I got. The blurring of realities made it a bit confusing but I guess that was the point. She is a great actress. Very entertaining. I'm guessing it is because the average viewer would be able to understand gigs and not the other terms If you like those things then check out a show called Murdoch Mysteries. He is a detective that invents machines all the time but gives a slightly off name to them. Very funny. SpaceX is working on that as we speak Yes, this one was weird. The symbolism was over my head. The only thing that stuck out for me was "they grow up so fast". You sort of have sympathy for her up until this time but what she does to her daughter and what she did to the nephew kind of take the blinders off of what kind of person she is. It's all for the good, right? Doing it for the red, white, and blue. *sigh* I can see why. She is very beautiful. Very charismatic. I feel very attracted to her when she is on screen. She will get you killed. DON'T read the message boards before you view the movie. There are undeclared spoilers everywhere. One of the magicians uses his invention to do one of his tricks but it leads to a wild twist at the end. I think you'll like it. Have you seen The Prestige yet? It makes an interesting use of Tesla in their story. If he jumped and missed they get to keep his money. It's a win/win HAHAHA! Saw the current war. Very well done. It gives a good look at how the industrialists were duking it out for control of the electricity market. It's amazing how ruthless greed can make people. :( Thanks. That was definitely an interesting journey. I won't pretend I understood most of it. :) It even had the trademark soviet era switching between black and white and color film stock. That lets you know it is soviet authentic. :D I believe it's because it provided a paycheck. That tends to suppress a lot of Hollywood moral leanings. Remember, these are the people who will scream about gun control and then solve every problem in every movie they make with a gun. I think it was because we have seen all these things before. Them trying to equate the story with our world and breaking us free when we have been broken free a dozen times already.