Poozer91's Replies

All of them except Death Proof from the Grindhouse double feature with Robert Rodriguez. I assume that JJ Abrams was planning on making Snoke the main antagonist, but had to change things up when Rian Johnson decided to kill the character off. This is one of the main questions I have about the film. Didn't Hathaway's character hate Affleck's character and essentially everything he stood for? I cannot see how she would ever get romantically involved with him. Also did he just want to bang her and that is why he kept her alive for as long as he did? Strange. Yes. I did hear him say this and I cannot fathom how anyone could defend him or agree. While I do respect and agree that more films should be made with diverse actors, saying that you are never going cast someone based on their race is blatant racism. The way I look at it is if a white filmmaker said this about blacks, he would be absolutely shunned from Hollywood and rightfully so, but I guess since it is a black filmmaker saying it about whites that makes it okay. Very disappointing to hear. I think that he is one of the greatest actors of the twentieth century, not the best but definitely in the top 15. That being said he did star in some very sub-standard films. This was mostly due to him being married to Elizabeth Taylor and having to support her lavish lifestyle along with her insisting on supporting many of her friend and family members. He has really grown on me in the last few years. Recently most of the films he is in do not do great at the box-office, but he does a good job in the roles. He was amazing in Waves. Don't get me wrong, I certainly don't hate the guy. I liked him on CSI Miami, but have never seen NYPD Blue, but have heard nothing but good things about the show. I also thought he did a decent job in King of New York (playing a cop that is as far removed from his boy scout CSI Miami character Horatio as possible). But I thought his best performance was in the movie Mad Dog and Glory playing Robert De Niro's best friend and absolutely steals the show from actors such as : De Niro, Bill Murray, and Uma Thurman. I was just posting the only bad things I have ever heard about him (which was little) as I have not seen him lately and wondered what happened to him. I heard him say that NYPD Blue will not survive without him...and it stayed on the air for 10 more seasons. Also I read that at one point he ran into Denis Franz at a restaurant and got into a near physical altercation with him. Other than that I have not really heard anything bad about him and find him to be an okay actor. Did he retire because he can or did he burn too many bridges? He was the friend of Ben Affleck's character's late son.