MAGANOT's Replies

I did! I just added the second "o" to "too". Oh sure, I understand that. We are nicer about it, that's for sure. Do you also defend separating families and putting children in concentration camps. Or do we make up a nicer term to call that too? I know the difference. ED you take property but you pay. I just think that is a BS term to get away with taking someone's land. What if they don't want to move? I don't care what you call it, if my government force to move for a BS fear-mongering campaign promise that it never was serious about anyway, I would be mad, whether it's Castro, Trump, Sanders or anyone. Again... Nobody cares except Fox News zombies. Most americans don't even know or remember the Sandinistas (unless they are fans of The Clash) Well thanks for that. I am going to take your home for a border-wall that I campaigned and lied about, but here's some money. I wonder what you would say if Hillary or Obama did that? BTW... you're tax dollars are going to pay for it because Mexico will not. Is that "emminent domain" or "bait and switch"? Not condemning is one thing, praising is another. It's pretty pathetic when a leader wants to play big-shot with his toys so badly that he asks if he can nuke a hurricane. I guess I'm just glad he only asked. but he was silent i noticed when the Saudi royal family assasinated american journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Then why do you keep bringing it up? Trump "treaded very lightly" when he told Kim Jong Un that his button is bigger than his. He also "treaded very lightly" when he told Syria that they will be met with fire and fury. He "treaded very lightly" when he threatened Iran with an attack of 52 historic sites. That's a nice arguement, but I don't think many people (outside the far-right Fox news bubble) care about any dead dictator anymore, especially Castro. Confiscating private property? Like you do when you build a border wall? Are you talking about Castro or Trump? No, John McCain was a "natural born citizen" as is Barack Obama. Ted Cruz, on the other hand? Donald Trump referred to Ted Cruz as an "anchor-baby". I don't use those terms to describe people. Regarding condemning Castro, Bernie has. He condemed everything about him except praised his medical and education systems. That is far more than Trump ever did in condeming Putin, Kim Jong-un, Xi Jinping or the Saudi royal family. As a matter of fact, right now Mike Pompeo is negotiating a deal with the Taliban. I thought the republican catchphase has always been "We don't negotiate with terrorists!" I guess it has now changed to "We can negotiate with terrorists, but you cannot!" I disagree, but I will be voting for him. Whether it's him or not, this idea is not going away. Our movement is 100% determined to keep this at the forefront of every election. If the president doesn't get it done, there are many many governors that are adopting their own medicare-for-all in their respected states. We are not giving up, so if you are intent to keep voting against socialism, you are going to be busy voting in the future. Well...I'm not running for office and I am not hear to preach or call people names. This is a discussion our elected leaders should be having instead of us. Most people are afraid of change because our leaders have done a terrible job of explaining this to us. There is a reason for that. I hope the discussion happens but it probably won't. I think employer based insurance is wrong. Why should your company be responsible for your health insurance, but your country is not? Small companies cannot afford the health insurance that big corporations can. This makes it much harder for small start-up companies to succeed. If that burden of health insurance is taken away from companies and put in the hands of the gov't in the form of a gov't program then small companies could not only hire more employees, but also give better pay and even raises. A gov't run program would also always be solvent because it would be recession proof, just like the military. It will always be funded if it is and 'entitlement' program, which means it cannot be defunded like other programs. Really? Medicare is crap huh? Because Bernie wants to expand it to everyone. If you don't like Medicare then don't except it when you reach 65, since it's "crapcare" Of course you have to raise taxes to make a gov't program work, Bernie has said that numerous times. That's why he labeled himself a "socialist" because he knew he would've been labeled that anyway because he needs to raise taxes. He is a "democratic socialist" . Socialism is an economic system, not a political one, that one is called Communism. The problem is the the two have been indelibly linked together. A democratic socialist means that you have more social programs instead of private industry running everything, but you keep the current democratic political system (ie. the three branches of gov't and elected representatives) instead of a dictator which is what communism is. The reason Bernie uses the term "democratic socialism" is because people are indoctrinated to believe that if you are a socialist then you can't own anything and you lost your form of gov't and your constituition etc. Affordable is a start, but coverage should be a human right, like the right to an attorney. Everyone should be covered under the system, covered for life. Take the current Medicare system and expand it to everyone, not just people over 65. There is no reason (except for inefficiency and greed) that a person should have employer based insurance, pay $300 per mouth out-of-pocket for premiums then get a bill for thousands of dollars for procedures until the deductable is met. Thanks to Sanders we might now have that discussion because without him, Biden and Trump don't want that discussion. The same way we pay for everything else, like having the best military in world, tax cuts every four years, a border wall, new publicly funded sports stadiums, sending people to moon, sending people to mars, space force, military planes flying over sports stadiums for ceremonies. After all, we are the richest country in world, until it comes to our citizens, then there always we can't afford it. Which one is it? Are we the richest country in world? or Are we one of the only countries that can't afford health insurance? I don't see how we can keep pretending to have it both ways. I say let the tax cuts run out and then use that money to expand medicare and be done with it. Then we can start funding more after the total cost is revealed. That's how gov't programs work. There have been recent studies that show how it will save money. The system we have is very ineffecient because people who aren't covered don't always pay. I think hospitals ought to be public not-for-profit just like France. There is no reason why an aspirin should cost $100 in the hospital, it doesn't in the military because the military is not a business.