Kj1oceanlust's Replies

A skate blade is one of the sharpest metal edges I know of besides a knife. That's just one more aspect of hockey that makes it a dangerous sport. There have been a few documented cases over the years of hockey players suffering nast cuts from skate blades. And being hit with a hockey puck could probably in ways be like getting shot. It really hurts and can do lots of damage. I took a puck to my face as a kid. Who cares if a woman may take offense to such a statement. That's her problem. I refuse to let myself become a puppet to please spoiled brat entitled losers like this. Man how women have screwed up western society. And us men have allowed it by cowering down to them. The Beach I adamantly believe someone or many know who was responsible for the jtr killings. They just want it to always be shrouded in mystery for amusement like this and to gain royalties off the mystery. Oh and that he may have been caught and sentenced to death. And ultimately ended up dying in Sing Sing prisons electric chair. There was likely just one killer, but he had help I think. Sounds like a film that could come out of Australia. Perhaps the biggest airhead nation in the world. That sounds sick! I'm a musician also. I learned the violin at a young age then guitar. However I'll admit I didn't amount too much on the guitar. And now I'm according to many an accomplished singer. So I know some things about music and talent. Alas which brings me to address your last sentence. I disagree that rock n roll was never about talent. Because from what I've seen it looks like things were pretty good talent wise up until the rise of Aerosmith (I use that term loosely, lol). And I think things stayed pretty good through til about the 90's. Then we started to see the rise of other acts that really began kicking the rock scene in the teeth. They started calling it grunge. A word rather close to "garbage". Many of the acts of today if they had gotten up on stage any time prior to 1970 and did what their doing now they would have been tarred and feathered. So it's my belief that Aerosmith started the wrecking ball swinging on rock n roll music or music in general. There's only one person I can't help but bully and that's Steven Tyler of Aerosmith and his corny wanna be musician followers. Because it's been a travesty of fame and fortune that those idiots ever garnered any following and monetary credit. They should all have been booed off the 1st stage they set foot on they're so bad! Maybe even been egged and tomatoed in the process of being booed and told to get lives and jobs lol. Perhaps because Steven Tyler is a source of inspiration. I would like to think nobody would want to be that ugly. I wouldn't be surprised if that was an underlying motive for some. But I will say, people who can read who are actually good at understanding it all and following it well are admirable. I've read a few books, but haven't finished some I've had for years. And sometimes it's challenging for me to read at any length and actually understand what I'm reading. In 2002 I was there at Maya bay on Koh Phi Phi Le in Thailand. I think I was in all the locations they employed for the filming of that movie with the exception of the waterfall. What's your version of what could go down after most of the people fled that island like they did? Lots had transpired, with those killings and so on. It's lots to ponder I know, but I'm curious. How could that have all been explained afterwards, and kept a secret? I have read the book. I liked the movie more. Me three lol. I was also wondering what his relevance was in the movie. I totally disagree with you. I think Bon Jovi is superior. Jon Bon Jovi's a much better singer than Joe Elliott. And Bon Jovi's songwriting is the cream of the crop. There's only one song I really like by Def Leppard "Hysteria". Rock Of Ages is pretty good also, but after that it's pretty hit and miss with me. And 7800 Farenheit was my favorite album of Bon Jovi's. It's unfortunate that it's regarded as the band's flop album. The Hardest Part Is The Night, is my all time favorite song of theirs. And Bon Jovi has really gone full circle in a sense considering how they changed their style to sound more country. However I'm not a big country music lover, I would say that's very admirable. It doesn't make much sense. I was watching youtube video clips recently on some of the more prominent jtr suspects. And A Kominski was said to be a crazy barber. What would a barber know about human anatomy and organ removal? Jtr I believe had to have some thorough working knowledge of that to have done what was done proficiently enough to supposedly not be caught. I think it may be a complete outright lie that they discovered evidence pointing at Kominski. A certain contingent of society just wants to have a fall guy (someone to pin the murders on). And how convenient to place the blame on a so called whacked out barber. A weekend at Bernie's The Naked Gun 1990's "Fear", starring Ally Sheedy. I love that movie. It's so suspenseful. It's about two powerful psychic minds dueling it out. Sheedy is a psychic detective helping the police who are stumped by an elusive serial killer. But there's a reason why the killer is so cunning and elusive. Me also. A major pet peeve of mine is strange noises. Especially loud ones, like sirens and horns.