RtlDeceptionist's Replies

Yeah this is MovieChat, not WhiteSupremacyChat. Don't worry, I'm sure the answer is to start endless threads on a movie forum with deliberately inflammatory titles in an effort to make people argue about it, all the while claiming oneself to be so righteously above insults. 'Personal attack' card played in 5... 4... 3... 2... My best is reserved for those deserving. Repeating my goodwill for you: I hope you never experience a genuine personal attack. Then by internet metrics that makes you a snowflake. For your delicate sake I hope you never experience a genuine personal attack. 'Get a life' is a personal attack now? Literally the last 5 things I watched: Ma: Black female villain tormenting white kids. Blindspot: Straight white guy lead, last 3 exposed moles/traitors whatever were all non-white and, in two of the three cases, not American. Villains-of-the-week vary. Succession: Wall-to-wall white folks in lead roles. Yeah, they're all assholes, but there's not a single nice/good person in it anyway. Nearest moral anchor is the straight white guy. The Rookie: Straight white guy is the lead and moral center of the show. Villains-of-the-week vary. And The Witcher's lead role is another straight white guy. You're happy to accept dragons, sorcerers, all manner of other fantasy creatures... but women with power is a no-no? Buddy, for someone who is so against woke culture, you sure do post about it a lot. And almost nothing else. Didn't think I'd have to say this again after the 90s ended, but GET A LIFE.