Anotherday's Replies

That explosion was brought to you by the clean buring fuel known as Propane. Mmm hmm. He was too cute in Copycat. He was the perfect amount of Cute in Chasers. But it helps that he was working with the gorgeous Erika Eleniak. To kill an opponent, you draw them in and direct their attention where you want them to look. Then as you keep their attention, you have another person/tool sweep them and take them down. I love that movie. It's just cheesy enough to be fun. Get a good book. I recommend Hell House by Richard Matheson ICE T follow up FLICKS: TRESSPASS MEAN GUNS NEW JACK CITY Yep. She's on the other side of the state and you better be a Packers Fan. He's always there if you look for him. That was HARD! 😆 🤣 😂 😹 I'm from Wisconsin. Your born among Beer, Cheese, knife fights, and farm accidents. When he says to have Respect for your Elders, it sealed the deal. Johnny C learned the hard way. He has become the hunter. Gary Busey reminds me of my Aunt. $17 is about what we paid for maid service at Camp Ripley. You'd get lucky of the bathroom didn't stay locked by accident. Charles S Dutton- Mimic, Alien 3, nick of Time. Are you Afraid of the Dark Rutger Hauer- Blade Runner, Buffy, Hitchhiker, blind fury John C. McGinley- Platoon, Highlander 2, Scrubs. Stan Against Evil Gary Busey- buddy Holly, Lethal Weapon, Chasers, drop zone, under Siege William MacNamara- Copycat, Chasers F. Murray Abraham- Amadeus, last Action Hero, star Trek ICE T- Pimps Up, Hoe's Down, Johnny Mnemonic, Tank Girl, Tresspass, Breakin' 2 Electric Bugaloo I never remember it that low. Best I got is around $36. This cast is the best A talent in a low budget movie you can get. I just ffwd to 20 min in. Sounds great. I'm in for Gary Busey Awesomeness. That was in a market where the only place to see movies was in theaters. That market doesn't exist anymore. With streaming, illegal downloads, and shit theater experiences, you're not going to be successful. Especially with the inflated cost of Hollywood productions, you got another stinker. Yep, it would fail too. Nope 1 out of 5. Don't forget the horror failures. Yeah, you can get an Halloween 2018, but then you're stick with two shit sequels. Then add the TCSM, hellraiser, child's play, pumpkin head, children of the corn, etc... They all pull this card and the returns continue to degrade. I haven w en addressed the Disney issues yet. Regardless of all this, you still have a geriatric performer with a marred reputation that people associate with racism, abuse, and extreme Christian values. His movies are actually decent, but no one watches them. It's hilarious.