Anotherday's Replies

He was actually pretty good. Not as charming as Christopher Reeves, but pleasant. The scene where he's politely trying to leave Kitty Kowalski really showed this. I don't know. Saw the trailer and the guy hosting it is into it. It looks typical to me. If I wanted to see a Keaton batman, I'd watch the 89 batman. Ooo. Mel Brooks is a good one! Peter Venkman: You know, I'm a voter. Aren't you supposed to lie to me and kiss my butt? ‐----------------- Egon: I'd like to run some gynecological tests on the mother. Peter Venkman: Who wouldn't? ------------------ Egon: My parents didn't believe in toys. Ray: You mean you never even had a Slinky? Egon: We had part of a Slinky. But I straightened it. I really liked her in Waking Ned Divine. Good to know. Thank you. How's about this? No online discussion with you. Tchuss Thank you I was just laughing that he was reading porn. He and Axel from Friday the 13th part 4 would get along very well. Well, I've got some youtube to explore. Not a fan of minty, but I'll check these out. Thank you. I remember selling that at my bookstore. Amazing graphic design. The synopsis reminds me of a Mary Roach approach to a subject. Is it a heavy read? Yes. I'm on the first season and it's engaging. I'm happy Paz De La Huerta got to do more than Nurse. Richard Harrow is peaking my interest. Enjoy yourself. It should be a good time. I'm reading in this house Brede right now. What are you reading? Any channel recommendations? I like Rossitron, Cinnemmassicre, Adam Does Movies, Red Letter Media, Mr H Reviews. Maniacal Cinephile, etc... I guess it's unfortunate that the title "M3GAN" is already used. Why do you pretend to care? Never said that. I said he's a good actor and I'm not a fan of his personal behavior. I never said anything about his leftwing views nor does that matter. That's your problem. Good luck with that. I think I liked Debi Mazar more. Nope. It's iconic cheesy horror that leaves an impression. The acting is silly, the premise is absurd, the designs are awesome (especially considering the low budget), and its title is perfect. This freaked me out as a kid and has me laughing as an adult.