Windsaar's Replies

I have it on DVD, so it for sure came out on hard-copy. It's also on Blu-Ray, which I'd have gotten if I bought it for myself. I got it as a gift and until then, I also thought I'd never see it due to the AppleTV thing. DVD: BluRay: It was a great addition. The movie wouldn't have the same effect without it. I remember thinking that I wish more war movies made the enemy seem more menacing using audio like they did in Greyhound. Why would anyone need 6 million pieces of toast? I think you were attempting to make an edgy reference to the 6 million that died in the German camps? The ones starved, shot, beaten and gassed? What does starving, shooting, beating or gassing (poisoning/suffocating) people have to do with using a toaster/making toast? Am I just not edgy enough to understand what is most likely a super-hilarious joke or something? What evidence is there that he escaped in a U-boat and lived in Argentina though? I agree. It's wild to think that it's remotely possible to even consider imagining what the world would be like had any significant event(s) or moment(s) throughout history played out differently. It was said 7 years ago, but I'm super glad someone said it. If witchcraft and Christianity are mutually exclusive, how come witchcraft is mentioned so, so many times in the Bible? The Bible/Christianity are thousands of years old. Wicca is like, what...100? It would seem that Christianity has had the whole "witchcraft = evil" thing on lockdown for at least 1900 years before Wicca was even a thing. If they're intertwined for thousands of years? OP just seems like they thirst for ze attention. Third vote here. This. What is it they're talking (or not talking about) Other than a prop misfire, I mean. It's also possible they went to see it because they wanted to see it. It's embarrassing you think the only reason to watch a movie is to learn something lol Cause it sucks losing work, tbh. It's a literal impossibility to know what someone else would do in any situation (or why), tbh. What I had said though, was that no murders would have happened if not for the particular circumstances leading to each of them. He was held as accountable as deserved to be though. Just because some not-so-smart people can't tell the difference between murder and an accident causing death doesn't mean there's no difference. It simply means that some people are so desperate for ANY shred of attention whatsoever, they throw all logic and sense out the window. Attention in passing from complete strangers for a couple of minutes online is (for some reason) worth appearing ignorant (or just plain ol' stupid) forever to some people. I wonder what society would be like if common sense was more common and less of an astronomically rare phenomenon? He's never murdered anyone though. Not to anybodies knowledge, anyway. There was an accident on one of his film sets that caused a death, but there wasn't any murder or anything. Crazy how full on adults are struggling to understand the difference lol. Some are just grasping at straws in an attempt to troll... While I suspect others for REAL don't know the difference lol. No lol It's unlikely that ANY murders would have happened if the circumstances leading to them didn't happen though. She got life for taking a life though. If her ex is still dead (and if she's still alive), her "debt" hasn't been repaid and her sentence is still incomplete. She was dumb throughout the whole show though. Can't really be too surprised when stupid acts dumb. It was hinted toward and talked about a lot throughout the show though... How she was usually brash, heavy-handed, prone to emotions over logic and how her blood-line in general was prone to being crazy. "I like this show, so anyone who disagrees must be mentally inferior" Some people could not be into it just...because. Or even the many other reasons one could have for not liking a particular movie/show?