ShinjiNishizono's Replies

I don’t think it even matters. If Jesus really is God then he can do whatever he wants. Right you can’t reboot this, but someone suggested a new generation version with adult Ben, Emma, Janice’s kid + combination of Bing twins and Buffay triplets, which I think could work. You can have the original casts doing cameos as parents here and there. Great analysis. The whole trilogy makes sense to me now and you don’t have to over complicate it. With the new Joker memes coming out, he would be a good candidate. Yes in summer school. Luckily we were all teenagers so it was seen as normal, just bad timing, and nobody made a big deal. Agree. I think he meant he didn’t watch it regularly. I think it’s implied that he’ll lose later at “life”, that is at least if he doesn’t “redeem” himself. Well he was the one, the chosen one. Good points. Completely agreed. Yeah it’s been a talk for a while where people complained his love interests in movies are often super hot. Good point about the story meaning to be symbolic. I think this can apply to most of other movies as well, especially if it follows the traditional hero’s journey/3-act structure. Agreed. I think this is correct as well. Well, you either die a hero or...oh wait... Yup. The exact numbers posted so far might be a little off give or take, but it’s still impressive regardless. Yes I’m with you. I heard of this blasphemy and I’m boycotting it. But like other said we’re also kinda desensitized by what they did before like in Star Wars and such. Good sport! I wonder if this will become as iconic as the “Rocky Steps”. Ya he looks more like Kurt than Kurt looks like Kurt. Yup, 20% sounds fair. I think you can use Bohemian Rhapsody and it would still fit the movie, arguably even better.