AndrewHNPX2's Posts

OT: Finally saw Harvey (1950) Psycho and Damn Yankees! Would Return Home From Europe have worked as a series finale? Mr. and Mrs. TV Show When Sam shows up looking for Arbogast... What would have happened if Marion hadn't been killed in the shower? The Business Manager OT: Just saw Charley Varrick (1973) OT: Schindler's List Days of Wine and Roses The Operetta and the "Wednesday Afternoon Fine-Arts League" If they had done an episode where Ricky, Lucy and Little Ricky had gone up to an isolated winter resort to be caretakers The Charm School: Why was that other couple needed? Lucy's Mother-in-Law How would the Ricardos and the Mertzes react to the coronavirus? Building a Bar-B-Q Bobby the bellhop The Cuba episode bothers me