StrongRex's Replies

Right, I wasn’t saying they were all bad, just that it started a little sooner than you said. I love Little Shop of Horrors. I started getting into that one after one of my best friends played Audrey II in an onstage production of it. My theory: this movie sucks. If anyone doesn’t know that this is a musical, I can’t help them. I would say more like in the 1970s. There’s Man of La Mancha and The Wiz. True, I do wish more people would respond to my replies and make good conversation even more interesting. But to me it's better than nothing, and I do get to see a lot of old discussions I missed reading back in the day. Not all of them, but a good portion of them. I was devastated that IMDb message boards were taken away, and was elated that there was a suitable alternative. Movie musicals used to be better than the stage versions. Same. Never made sense to me that Elphaba was despised and ostracized JUST because her skin was green. It's the Land of Oz. Everyone is different in some way. What is so bad about having green skin? Never explained. It also ended up making every single character who wasn't Elphaba (with a few exceptions) the bad guy or characters you just end up hating by the end (like Boq). Glinda never earned my respect by the end of the story. In fact, she earned my utter contempt. Not only does she publicly go along with the lies being told about Elphaba, but at the beginning of the story (which takes place after the events of the stage musical) she acts as if she is going to tell everyone the truth. But as the show is ending, and we get back to that present day, it's apparent that even after Madam Morrible and the Wizard are gone, she is still the same coward she always had been throughout the show. She acts like she has grown and developed, but still won't clear the name of the friend she claims to care about so much, the friend who in no way deserved any of the detestation and hostility she received her entire life. The one that inspired her to "change for good." Spare me, Glinda. And don't even get me started on their "terminology." Ugghhhhh..... I thought with Harry Potter and Twilight, there was at least an opportunity to have more time to tell the story as written in the books. But this? Hell no. This could easily be one movie. You just know they're going to pad the fuck out of both movies as well. I'm sure, but this was an issue with the original stage show. It never made any sense to me. It is just a cold, mplo. It is NOT "horribly dangrous" like you put it. It was not worth locking down people in their homes or shutting down businesses/society in general. I am not sure where you are getting those statistics, because covid doesn't pose a risk to children. Even the corrupt media has begrudgingly admitted that, but it didn't stop them from shutting down schools. My heart goes out to you for falling for this narrative and taking the poison. How do you know you would have been worse off if you hadn't gotten vaccinated? "If I hadn't gotten the vaccine/numerous boosters covid would have been worse for me!" is a very popular talking point but there is NO way to prove it. I would be very careful what you wish for because those "side effects" you mention have the ability to risk hospitalization, permanently incapacitate you, and kill you. Deaths from the vaccine have been and still are being reported. Respectul adaptation it was NOT. Fentanyl overdose caused his death. He asked to be put on the ground. Willful ignorance ignoring the facts. What good is it doing for you if you only want the last word? Willful ignorance ignoring the facts. Willful ignorance ignoring the facts. I already did, you stupid fuck. SEVERAL reliable sources. All you are doing is further demonstrating your own willful ignorance and your determination to stick to the leftist narrative. Is that supposed to make me angry? All it does is make you look stupid. You are just like everyone else who never put their money where their mouth is. It's a cold. Nothing more. You are only at risk if you have an underlying illness, it tends to act as a final blow to people who are already very sick. Other than that, you have a 94% or better recovery rate. Try and make me fuck off, you stupid uneducated fuck.