StrongRex's Replies

“His turn?” What do you think America is? A monarchy? That is how these evil narcissists will win and society is further destroyed. All it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to say and do nothing. So…I disagree completely with that. You’re…what? Joking? Being sarcastic? Because I did read your post. Very carefully. I didn’t see a hint of any of that. You’re going to have to help me out here. Um, no. She should keep speaking out. She is exactly right. Everyone should be against this. That’s all you’ve got? Good. Make Trump handle his own legal bills. I’m not impressed with this cast at all. Home Alone doesn’t insult my intelligence. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off does. I don’t know about controversial, I’m just saying I’ve heard lots of people say the same thing you did. This is beyond suspension of disbelief. The movie is insultingly nonsensical. You’re comparing apples to oranges by comparing it to a sci-fi. Edward also still has a lot to learn about the world itself, such as where money comes from (not out of the sky). But his heart is in the right place. It's typical of Marxists. They want a system based on thievery. You don’t have to sacrifice logic for laughs. You don’t have to treat your audience like idiots and insult their intelligence. Which is what this movie did. Yes, she is not the only one to hate that ending. Lots of people did, including fans of the movie Grease. My biggest issue is certain iconic songs are missing, most notably “Hopelessly Devoted to You” and “You're the One that I Want”. The latter had this other song called “I’m All Shook Up” in its place in the stage show and man it suuuuuucks. Yep. Right there with you. My older sister loved the movie and thought it was hilarious too. I just couldn’t find anything to like in it. By the time Ferris Bueller’s sister completely changed gears with no explanation, I was done. I remember reading the stage musical script for Grease, and it had surprisingly a ton of swearing and F bombs. With that said, I do think the movie is way better than the stage show. I thought it sucked when I walked in on my sister watching it and watched the rest of it with her decades ago. I gave it another chance last year to see if my perspective had changed and maybe I would appreciate it a little more. Nope. Still sucks. I don’t care if she’s black or not, Elphaba is supposed to have green skin so it doesn’t really matter. My concern is this movie will suck in other ways because Hollywood is now more concerned about agenda than quality. Too many film directors don’t know how to direct musicals and don’t even bother adding people to their team who do know how to work with musicals. We also have the issue of too many screen writers who don’t know how to write a good musical movie. I believe it started the trend of having the villains really be "misunderstood characters".