ShootemBadguys's Replies

Cool. Would have been a pretty good guess if it were actually true lol. That sounds beyond awful... Playing through it was enough of a slog...never mind WATCHING someone else play it. Doubtful as he wasn't anything major in the books. They basically covered his "story" and everything that was gone over in the book. They included it for filler, I assume. I love the show. Seen season one 5 times and season 2, twice. OP said he couldn't get into it because he's a homophobe. I said most homophobes are that way because of thier own inner struggle. Not sure where you got me claiming to not be flawed out of me saying Nancy was annoying. Nor did I list "all her transgressions". Just listed off a few of the things that makes her annoying. I wouldn't go so far as to consider someone providing for you "hellish", but to each thier own. Like I said before, it's just a huge sigh of relief she'll have less time in Season 3. She complained in every scene she was in. Lol. I'd have to be a literal moron to assume the question was for me. I wasn't answering for me, I was sarcastically answering for them. In the first paragraph, anyway. I was on your side for my reply. You're a tough one, eh? Whether someone disagrees, or agrees with you you seem to have something to say about it. If you don't want people to see or reply to things you post in public forums, you should sent private messages or emails instead. I watched the second season twice already, and my opinion was only more and more justified as the show went on. She's a chronic complainer. If you're happy with people like that, more power to you. Not everyone is, though I agree. I loved season two, but could have done with more of the story from the book and less tv filler. Season one had the interviews and you wanted to see more. This season, the interviews were more in passing. One and done. Five to ten minutes each person and that's it forever. Season two seemed to be more about family life and personal conflict than it was about their work and research. **SEASON TWO SPOILERS** Also, what's with them suddenly injecting 100% fabricated storylines. Season one was pretty close to real life and the books it's based off of. All of a sudden, Tench's kid is taking part in a murder? Was definitely the worst subplot of the series so far. Felt very...daytime tv/soap opera. They don't need that kind of stuff to be interested in the show. They just need to show or discuss more of what the show is about and why people watch it in the first place. Studying seeial killers. I suppose so. Some people are so conflicted and frustrated about their own sexuality that they can't stand anything or anyone they perceive to be homosexual. It's like a very deep seeded fear. It also blew my mind learning he's gay. I had no idea until reading this post. I love the subtleties in his acting. His mannerisms and control of his facial muscles. He did a great job. He seemed like a decent dude in Fight Club. That's the only other thing I've seen him in, though. "In death, a member of project Mayhem has a name. His Robert Paulson." Lol Some people are fine with gratingly annoying characters. Some people feel the need to stick up for people just for the sake of sticking up for them. I understand. If you knew anybody IRL that incessantly complained and nagged with EVERY SINGLE human interaction, you might have a differing opinion. Maybe not. Reddit understands how annoying she is, at least. Not as many people quick to defend someone just for the sake of defending them. **SEASON 2 SPOILERS** In every single scene she's in, she complains or gets all passive aggressive. Even back in season one, now they just kicked it into overdrive. You want desperately for your kid to socialize with others and for your husband to show your child some support? Might as well complain when he gets dirty and give your husband dirty looks when he comments to support him. Want your husband to socialize with people he isn't interested in socializing with after a 60 hour work week? Might as well get pissed when he takes part in conversation with them. When people are practically begging you to talk about a subject and you take part, it doesn't mean that nobody wants to hear it. It simply means that everybody involved is perfectly content with the conversation except you. She always complains about everything. Him not being home a lot is another. It's somehow his fault that he spends his time at work providing for his family to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads. Gotta love it. If he took more time off and spent it with them, she'd just be all over them about money instead. Feel bad for Tench for sure. He can't win no matter what he does. Although the last episode made me feel bad for Tench, I'm glad he's finally free from that shackle and Nancy will hopefully get less to no screen time next season. You said you didn't watch the season, then mentioned you're confused as to the issue with her. Watch the season and you'll know what I'm talking about? No sense coming to her rescue if you're not even sure what it is you're defending. No? And the others who defend them to no end while claiming even a shard of tangible, objective evidence exists... None yet...sorry. Agreed. Also, it drives me insane when people say "just do your own research". There's a reason actual scientists don't conduct their research using YouTube and public libraries. It's mostly BS. They also don't care about opinions or he-said-she-said. They focus on concrete fact, no matter where it takes them. Sadly, there is absolutely zero concrete fact for alien life in the known universe (so far, anyway). Nevermind them visiting Earth and conducting experiments... I agree that it made no sense. Also, who killed the teacher and her brother in the beginning? Why did the blonde lady stop Walter from getting rid of the demon? Especially since she knew Rose was a demon. They just walk out as a happy family and no one is going to care about all the bodies in the basement? What happened to Vontelle? Movies shouldn't leave so many questions completely unanswered. Stupid movie. Val Kilmer was the only redeeming part, but one actor can only carry a shitty movie so far... The Hound saw a vision in the flames because Thoros set it up for him. Much like how all the other characters who saw visions in the flames had them set up by the Red Women. It's never even insinuated that the Hound can see visions in flames except for that one episode where Thoros showed him. Using a non-canonical fan theory to support a non-canonical fan theory doesn't substantiate it in any way. Interesting theory, but not based off the actual story in any way. Reddit isn't ASOIAF or GoT, so just because some randoms say what they think doesn't mean that's how it is in the story. Also, the very first comment on the Reddit link you posted was a link to the show and an explanation debunking the OP. My "theory" has always been that The Mountain burned The Hound because Gregor was a dick and Sandor was playing with his toy. Edgy... The physical chair was destroyed, not what it represented. Was even a little intrigued until I saw it was anime.