Sparky's Posts

I love that he gives the scumbags hemorrhoids! Finally watched it. The writer will decide whether or not the episode is worth watching This film is required viewing in this day and age Where do I start with this show? Your discussions here are deranged according to MC He has an intriguing look- like he knows something we don't Biden signs executive order to force CRT into every aspect of AI Made in 1959 Well-researched and written article on the Israeli ongoing genocide of the Palestinians Go watch his "Live From Daryl's House" vids Toyota is excited about their new ammonia engine- says it will end electricity-based propulsion as we know it What a guy- he had to be this bada$$ What is the most 80's movie? DeSantis and Biden sittin in a tree... Regarding Zebub- "He is a loathsome, offensive brute, yet I can't look away." Of course the dude is gay More vaxx lies exposed- vaxx mRNA Ends up in Mothers’ Milk CDC Now Admits That the Vaccinated Likely Have a Higher Risk of Infection With New Covid Variant