Nirvana's Replies

If only knives were banned like they did in londanistan this would have never happened. There might be the 2nd amendment protecting guns but there is no amendment protecting knife rights. Ban knives!!! Did you even watch the video? No normal dude would ever touch kids like that. If you think smelling kids hair and touching little girls breasts is normal in the correct context then ur a fucking pedo and deserve to be forcefully castrated I have been to Bolivia once. Its really rough over there. Country was always poor but now there glacier melted and they have a huge water problem. Locals water only turns on for an hour period once a week now in La Paz & you don't know when that is so if nobodies home to store the water you gotta wait another week to bath. Beautiful city but dangerous Yeah RT is super bogus. Makes IMDB seem legit Great show. The pay per view episdoes are even better! Its all fake. Dont trust a thing on IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes. Its all bullshiet That is a pretty good point. I would also like to see an movie about Martin Luther King played by an Asian teenager, that would be interesting to watch, its starting to get racist that only black dudes are being given that role over and over again Alcoholism I always watched this show with my mom when i was younger. Good days I feel asleep watching this movie in theaters. woke up at the end battle scene after missing most of it. Never wasting money on another starwars movie 2000 was a great year I still remember watching it as a kiddo when it premiered. The first episode was tits but it went down hill real fast soon after Is this that communist news network propagandist? Didnt know he was gay and short lol I hate this man with a passion. Want to take away our 2nd Amendment meanwhile his company spends 18 millions bucks last year keep a private army around him 24/7. Classic liberal elitist. No guns for you little goy your not as righteous as tho nobody gives a shit what the some brit losers in londanistan think about anything... better than having messed up inbreed kiddos Omfg!!! Is that the infamous white power okay sign?!?1 Thats not okay! Even worse than scammin all those poor sick people lol that would be funny